Opt/Alt dragging a graphic from CC library does not remember layers in update 2018

Ton commented
There is not much to review.
The bug started with the introduction of the place gun, which adds another click.
It could have been left as is was (and currently still is in Photoshop) just drag and drop it where you want. -
Doug Roberts commented
I like to imagine it has been someone's entire job to sit in a room reviewing this for five years.
Ton commented
Still under review...
Ton commented
It is labeled as a feature request, but it is a bug,
How can we transfer it to the bug section? -
Ton commented
Looks like the review takes a long time...
MC commented
Forgetting the layers makes the asset library, placed artwork, etc. useless. Please fix!
Anonymous commented
I would dearly like to see this feature work in our studio too
Anonymous commented
Please revert back to the way the place copy from Adobe Libraries worked in the prior 2017 version. It was a wonderful productivity tool then and now... not so much
Zendavor commented
Please fix this Adobe - it worked so well before. Now placed CC library items forget the layers and are all grouped together.
GraphicSource commented
Any solution yet? This renders Library Assets almost useless.
Stevie Parmentier commented
I encountered this problem as well - I don't want the elements to become grouped and placement is also more cumbersome since you first have to place and then move since you have no idea where the artwork will end up with this new way of placing. I don't get why Adobe would take such an obvious step back.
Anonymous commented
Same issue here, without the function of remember layers the most library elements become useless for us.
Especially because we and our customers need the layers for the proofing process within our production lines, as we created specific layers within the PDF files. This force us to manually c&p library elements. What a step backwards. By the way, god help you if you have linked some elements from the library with actual documents, and you need the function create acrobat layers from Illustrator layers, this leads the function ad absurdum. -
Marc Dunker commented
I have this issue and noticed several others that may be tied to the loaded cursor (place gun) implemented in 22.0.1.
Here's the link to what I posted yesterday.
It seems everything comes in as a group now. If I wanted my objects to be grouped, I would have grouped them in the library item.
I feel the loaded cursor can be cumbersome. I don't disagree with having the option, but I want an option. It was far quicker just to place a copy and move it to where I want instead of clicking, clicking again, etc.
Additionally, replacing linked graphics doesn't seem to work as well. I've tried all of the linking options and none behave the way 2017 and before did. If I linked an object before and replaced it with another cc library item, it would fit the width/height proportionally and adjust the bounding box. It no longer does this.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same issue with the 2018 update, as listed in this forum post. https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2408129 It would really help my company to see this resolved in the next patch update.
Hitesh Sharma commented
This behavior was changed when we implemented place gun for library assets.
Internally being tracked by AI-4210255. -
Ton commented
Ritika, see also prerelease bug AI-4209453
ritika patel(Illustrator team) commented
Thanks Ton.
Have raised an issue for it.Will keep you updated regarding the same.Regards,
Ritika -
Ton commented
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a document with layers. Paste Remembers Layers should be On in the Layers panel.
2. Select All and drag to the CC Libray panel
3. Create a new Document
4. Select the Library item and choose Place Copy (or alt drag to artboard).Actual Result: A group with the Artwork name is placed. Original Layers lost
Expected Result:: as in CC2017 the layer structure would be kept.
ritika patel(Illustrator team) commented
Hi Rob,
Thanks for reporting the issue.Can you please share the steps to reproduce this issue.
Illustrator team -
Mike Gondek commented
Please bring this back. We are getting items on the wrong layers now. This is serious as item are not making plates, and printing plates or visa versa. Without this we will go back to copying elements from a master document , as too much proofing and error isn now introduced.