PDF export without color conversion converts RGB images to CMYK
This is a bug that occurs in Illustrator 2025 (29.2.1) and later.
When an RGB image is placed as a linked file in a CMYK document, it gets converted to CMYK upon PDF export, even if "No Color Conversion" is selected. In Illustrator 2025 (29.2.0) and earlier, the image remained in RGB.
This bug affects only PNG and JPG files. Other formats, such as PSD, remain in RGB.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a new CMYK document.
- Place an RGB image (PNG or JPG) as a linked file (do not embed).
- Export the document as a PDF with "No Color Conversion" selected.
How to Verify That RGB Images Are Converted to CMYK in PDF
- Open the exported PDF in Acrobat.
- Go to Print Production > Output Preview.
- Set Preview to "Object Inspector."
- Click on an image in the PDF.
- The object information will be displayed, showing the actual color mode.
You will see that the RGB image has been converted to CMYK, even though it should have remained in RGB.
Users who lack in-depth knowledge of color profiles rely on workflows where RGB images in PDFs are properly converted to CMYK at the output stage. However, with this bug, RGB images are automatically converted to CMYK during PDF export, meaning that any inappropriate color profile settings at the time of linking will carry over, making quality control at the output stage impossible.
Additionally, this issue affects not only exported PDFs but also the embedded compatibility PDFs in AI files. When an AI file is placed as a linked document in InDesign, InDesign reads only the compatibility PDF, making it impossible to verify whether the AI file contains linked RGB images.
Expected Behavior
When exporting a PDF with "No Color Conversion" selected, linked RGB images should remain in RGB.
Illustrator 2025 (29.2.1) 以降で発生するバグです。
CMYKドキュメントにリンク配置されたRGB画像が、カラー変換なしでPDFに書き出してもCMYKに変換されてしまいます。2025 (29.2.0) まではRGBのままでした。
- CMYKの新規ドキュメントを作成
- RGB画像(PNGまたはJPG)をリンク配置(埋め込まない)
- カラー変換なしでPDFに書き出す
- PDFをAcrobatで開く
- 印刷工程 > 出力プレビュー を開く
- プレビュー を「オブジェクトインスペクター」に設定
- PDF内の画像をクリック
- クリックした箇所のオブジェクト情報が表示される

AdminMIE (PCM, Adobe Illustrator) commented
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引き続きよろしくお願いします。 -
殖版外部 commented
Michael Schwabauer commented
Only CMYK data is present in the saved document; the RGB images are replaced with the other image.
Error occurs as soon as file (.ai or .pdf) is opened externally. The RGB file remains in Illustrator itself.
But the problem is with the Illustrator - with the old version everything works without any problems.