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4540 results found

  1. New version change over

    New versions, NOT new name. Drop the year add-on. Just ask to overwrite existing app version. I use overflow to start up my apps, not the Adobe menu. By adding a new app name AND deleting the old one you BREAK ALL my links to ***** up my workflow.

    Also, import to the new version ALL MY TEMPLATES. You created significant work for me to go an find the old templates and then get them into 2018

    Most importantly: Send some of your engineers out to see people use your products in the real world that is NOT web design…

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  2. Search window in all Adobe programs

    Add a window where I can search a feature, window, or command that exists in the program.
    It's hard to remember where everything is located.

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  3. Display colour swatches

    Marquee across a portion of the artboard and then hit a hot key, which brings a pop up display of all of the swatches within the area you have marquee. From that pop up display you can select single or multiple colours. For instance if you have vectorised something and you find within the area you have marquee that there is multiple blues, you can select all of those blues in the pop up and then change them all to 1 colour from your swatches menu - a really quick way to reduce down the colours that you don't need

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  4. pencil tool selection behaviour adjusmtent

    A detail that im missing from the legacy pencil tool.

    Its a missing detail in the option keep to path selected or deselected after being drawn.

    When this option is unchecked the object is deselected.
    If the path is selected again to be drawn upon to adjust the shape. It deselects it again.
    Now thats all logical and according to what the option says its supposed to do.


    The legacy pencil tool before its rewrite it worked almost like that but not quite the same, and it was great.

    So you had the option to have the path deseletced after…

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  5. Can you fix this?


    I have this problem, I don't know whether this is a bug, but I really need you to fix this or is there any solution for this.

    Some how there's ripped effect on my artworks but when publish it looks fine, only during editing.


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  6. Please make the slicing more like Fireworks with naming and sizes individual for each artboad (like stages/pages in Fireworks).

    Currently I can not export bitmap icons with the the right names and in the right sizes as in Fireworks including padding.
    And when I go to another document for a different platform (an app), I have to include the different sizes again.
    Also I have no preview like in legacy before I overwrite the old picts.
    Making graphics for mobile devices, your presets are based on the lowest resolution (@1). Some user control please...
    Bring back Fireworks...

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  7. Go back to old Align to Pixel check box

    I wish Illustrator would go back to having a check box for align to pixel. That way I could see just by clicking on an object or objects that it is aligned. Now, in Illustrator CC 2017, I have to select every object seperately and press the new button on the top right, in order to get the message that it is aligned.

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  8. New Tool

    I have a complete file containing several very important suggestions for the development of the Adobe Illustrator program .. I hope to communicate with one of the company officials to inform him of these suggestions that will make a strong surge in the program Illustrator

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  9. Color themes scroll bar

    The Color Themes panel in Illustrator does not have a scroll bar. I am using a Wacom tablet, but the Color Themes panel does not scroll even when I have assigned the function "scroll" to its scroll bar. I can scroll in other applications, both Adobe and others, so it doesn't seem like the fault of the tablet or tablet driver. The fact that there is no scroll bar in the default UI so it can be used with any input device is a glaring oversight. The panel is nearly useless without one.

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  10. THi, I have a problem. I bought program Illustrator last mounth just for oné mounth and your company také me again money this mounth. I Wan

    I have a problem. I bought program Illustrator last mounth just for oné mounth and your company také me again money this mounth.
    I Want my money back. I didn't use this program this mounth. I don't understant why you také me from my account Again money If I bought Illustrator just for oné mounth.

    Thenk you for your answer.
    I tried to comunicate with your chat, but without response.

    Markéta Reznickova

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  11. Change arrow cursor back to how it used to be.

    I would VERY much like to be able to change the arrow cursor style back to how it was prior to the most recent update. I do not like the arrows no longer having a handle; perhaps I'm irrational, but it's really throwing me and disrupting my workflow.

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  12. Crop Tool - Thanks!

    Not a request, just wanted to say thanks! I Love, Love Love! the new crop tool. Waited so long & use daily. (Don't worry, I know how to mask.)

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Double tab on layer to do shadows, stock, ... As Photoshop

    We can do this to more control shadow to be like Photoshop
    Thank you for reading.
    I want your program to be better than any program (affinity designer)

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  15. Illustrator - Trace image and turn in to an editable path instead of shapes

    I would love to be able to take my drawings and use the live trace feature (or maybe even a feature within the Illustrator app??) that would allow me to trace my hand-drawn sketches (on paper) and turn them into line paths instead of outlined shapes. This way, I don't have to trace my images again, once they are in Illustrator. It would be a huge time saver!

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  16. Automation when opening multiple identical files for adjustments

    Have 5 identical DXF files that need to be opened at the same scale (1-1 mm) centered on a 12 x 24 artboard and saved out as PDF. Some way to record this like an action so that when the second file is opened the scale, rulers and save as options are preserved, and perhaps the save to location. Process perhaps 300 such files per year and this would be a huge time saver. Even if only a single file it would be nice to have some persistent parameters that could be set when opening a file such as always…

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  17. Text Alignment

    The Text font reflects the actual physical font size. We're doing sign, size of the font is very important to us.

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  18. For Illustrator software to work better with domain environment

    We are currently getting a Preferences folder read-only error when Illustrator is opened by any domain user on any of our domain linked computers. Adobe technical support says that Illustrator currently is not tested for and is not approved to work in domain environments. This is preventing many users in our department from using this software.

    I am requesting for Adobe Illustrator CC to be better compatible with domain environments.

    Please see case# 0189187231 as a reference.


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  19. Designers are being asked to design for new end user media

    Creating ways to take my vector to 3D, for 3D printing, CNC plasma cutting, and new ways that are being asked for designers and artist to file share and work better together. Exporting my work for auto cad, and 3D software, plotters etc and simplify the paths. There is 2D and there is 3D cad. But as an artist I want to be able to take what I have done in Illustrator and evolve my work and output options to and material to the next level. CorelDraw was just a play toy program. But it looks like they have got…

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  20. Show slices names

    I'm looking for a simple but very useful option for slices:
    "Show slice name"

    Currently in setting of Illustrator there are only option:
    "Show slice numbers", - file attached.
    But it's doesn't give me anything actually.
    I've created names for each slice and I need to check these names visually, without need to select each slice and goto it slice settings..

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