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4547 results found

  1. Why can't I save Swatches in L*a*b* format except as Spot Color?

    Why can't I save Swatches in Lab* format except as Spot colors?
    This is unique to Adobe Illustrator, unfortunately, and such a thorn in the side of a device-independent color management workflow. Please resolve.

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  2. A favorite fonts floating palette

    While I’m designing let’s say a poster, I an using 4 fonts,, would like to be able to access those 4 fonts anytime, instead of going to fonts, or characters , having a floating pallet so I can see the fonts and seek them immediately.
    Just like when you pull a pallets out from the tools pallet.

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  3. Gradient mesh symmetry capability

    I enjoy using gradient mesh and I think it would be great to be able to create a symmetry of gradient mesh paths when creating an object that requires symmetry in other words an object such as a computer screen design that I would like the left and the right colorations to be exactly the same. By doing this, there would be a half way symmetry point such as a rectangle or square where the halfway line would be the one of symmetry. So by creating a mesh line on the left it would automatically be created on the right.

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  4. Hold Key to Zoom, like in Sketch

    I need a functionality like in Sketch app to Zoom In / Out canvas quickly and smoothly!

    So, just to hold Command key and I can smoothly and quickly do this.
    This should be common for macOS art apps…

    I’m not using trackpad, but I’m using Magic Mouse 2, so I can always pan canvas using gestures on a mouse with one finger, but I don't have a scroll wheel and to Zoom I’d need just to hold a Command key, like in Sketch! That's it.

    Attached example video of how it works perfectly in Sketch.

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  5. Select Same Fill Color & Stroke Color

    'Select Same Fill & Stroke' command from Select > Same menu also includes stroke weight. But sometimes we need to ignore it and search only by colors.

    So basically we have no 'Select Same Fill Color & Stroke Color' command... wait. We do have this command!
    It is just well hidden.

    For some reason it is available only as an option in the dropdown menu for the Select Similar Objects button — but not in the menu. Please make these two sources match and combine both lists.

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  6. Edit multiple identical objects real-time

    Would be cool to have a feature where for example when editing 2 identical objects, you can convert one object into main object and other into "mirrored" one through layer system/window and then mirrored one will show same changes real-time whenever I'm editing the main one. Afterwards when turning off the feature, all the "mirrored" ones turn into seperate objects (as if rasterized).
    This would be a game changer when I'm editing text that is turned into object and I want same edits to be applied to all other identical letters.

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  7. Unable to select artboards when exporting BMP and TGA

    Artboard selection disappears when using Export window to export a BMP / TGA file.

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  8. PDF Bookmarks named with the Artboard Titles

    Similar to this request for XD:

    When exporting artboards to a PDF, the artboard title should be included in some way.

    I think this could be as simple as creating a bookmark for each artboard.

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  9. Find Replace dialog box to allow access to document for copy paste

    When you open the find/replace dialog box you no longer have access to the document so you can copy text. So you have to copy text -> open find/replace box -> paste in find field and click done -> copy the text you want to replace with -> open the dialog box again to paste and then find/replace. In InDesign this is not the case

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  10. 「中央に整列」を実行したときに、座標の平均ではなく選択範囲の中央に揃えたい / Align to center of selection instead of average of coordinates when "Align Center" is executed


    一方で、Illustrator iPad版で同じ操作を行うと異なる結果になります。iPad版の「中央に整列」では、座標の平均ではなく、選択範囲(バウンディングボックス)の中央でオブジェクトが揃うしくみです。

    • 「選択範囲に整列」というオプションの名称からも、座標の平均で揃うことは推測しにくい
    • iPad版のように、選択範囲の中央に揃うほうが直感的でイメージしやすい
    • デスクトップ版とiPad版の同じ機能がそれぞれ違う動きをするのは避けるべき
    • 選択範囲の中央に揃う仕様はその他のAdobe製品でも採用されている


    ---------(used the translation tool)---------

    In Illustrator on desktop, select multiple objects, and in the "Align to Selection" setting, execute "Vertical ( or Horizontal ) Align Center".

    The objects will then be aligned at the average of their respective center coordinates.

    However, the same operation in Illustrator on iPad produces a different result. The iPad's "Align Center" aligns the object at the center of the selection (bounding box), rather than at the average of the coordinates.
    As far as I have confirmed, Photoshop and InDesign also have this specification.

    • It is difficult…
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  11. Erros no Illustrator

    Meu elementor abre e fecha as abas instantaneamente, eu não consigo nem criar um novo projeto, não consigo salvar, não consigo abrir nenhuma aba... Isso está prejudicando meu trabalho.

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  12. Able to edit class prefix at export SVG (st0,st1...)

    This issue is very common when you import to html two or more svg files and the last svg overwrites the class of the previous svg inserted, due that uses same name of class.

    The solve is able to edit a prefix on export options window, that can edit for each file to set an unique prefix to get e.g.: st0, st1 and foo0, foo1 in each.

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  13. Connected Arabic letters 'break' on curves

    Arabic text on curved paths tend to break, like in the example. The current work around is to either convert the text to outline and fix the breaks, or to create an art brush with the outlined text and adjust, again, manually.

    Can this be fixed to allow the text to be on the curved, and editable.

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  14. It would be great to have more control of the .jpg compression settings in "Export for Screens"

    It would be great is more granular control of the .jpg compression settings. Right now we can only export at 100, 80, 50 and 20. We find that 60% compression is often the sweet spot between size and quality. Having a user adjustable slider or more presets would be great. It is another reason why we are still using the legacy export.

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  15. Menu bar item “Duplicate with New Document”

    The History panel menu has a highly useful feature called “New Document.” As it is versatile, it should be added as a menu item on the menu bar.

    Menu bar “File > Duplicate with New Document”




    メニューバー「ファイル > 新規ドキュメントで複製」

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Extract missing links from Ai editable PDF when opening it in Illustrator

    PDF's saved from illustrator with 'preserve illustrator editing capabilities' do not embed any linked raster images in the Illustrator compatible component. When the PDF is opened in illustrator for editing, a message alerts that the links are missing, and low res images show when opened. The links are present in the PDF portion of the file and can be extracted manually and relinked. Might be a big ask, but it would be more ideal that Illustrator recognises the links are contained within the file, and is able to extract them automatically and embed them into the Illustrator component during opening.

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  18. Nommage des plans de travail

    Dans le menu Objet/Plan de travail, avoir la possibilité d'ajouter les dimensions du plan de travail sélectionné ou de tous les plans de travail.
    L'ajout se ferait à la fin du nom ou dans des colonnes additionnelles (Largeur et Hauteur) avec la possibilité d'intégrer ces dimensions dans le nom du fichier exporté. Prévoir une syntaxe compatible avec le nomage des fichier et suffisamment différentiante pour pouvoir les mettre à jour par le biais des expression régulières (Suppression puis ajout des dimensions actualisées).

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  19. Paramétrage des traits de coupe

    Avoir la possibilité de régler les traits de coupe sur 3 paramètres :
    - La distance du plan de travail
    - la longueur des traits de coupe
    - la graisse des traits de coupe.
    Aujourd'hui, ils occupent une taille de 2cm soit une augmentation de la largeur et de la longueur de 4cm. Pour de l'impression grand format sur adhésif, cela fin par faire une surface non négligeable.
    Idem pour des impositions sur des documents A4 ou^l'on perd facilement une occurence en largeur et en hauteur.
    Au cas où les traits de coupes seraient normé pour l'imprimerie, il est toujours…

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  20. PDF import: Improve gradient parser compatibility

    Currently, Illustrator apparently doesn't support all "types" of gradients present in a PDF. When trying to open the attached PDF, an error occurs and the gradient is rasterized.

    However, it opens normally in other programs such as Scribus. I thought it was a limitation of the PDF producer (Inkscape), but maybe not. Please, see the discussion:

    Therefore, I ask Adobe to investigate the case and, if it is a limitation of Illustrator, to implement support for this "type" of gradient for better interoperability of the PDF parser.

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