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4553 results found

  1. Reinstate The Functionality Of The Swatches Panel In CS 5.5

    I’d like to see the functionality of the Swatch panel that was in (Windows) Ai CS 5.5 reinstated. Specifically, when the panel was opened, I used to be able to toggle through the Color Modes by holding Shift and clicking on the color square (thumbnail). If I held Cntrl, it would toggle to the color compliment. These were two great features that were eliminated with CS 6 through to the current version of CC 2017. Bring these back!!

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  2. Give us the option to buy the software, not rent it

    You say you're a company with integrity and you adhere to ethical standards, but there's nothing ethical about charging a monthly/yearly subscription fee rather than selling the software outright. It's a shady business practice and I will be finding another program for design work.

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  3. Density pixels and screen pixels unit to include to design mobile apps

    Always as designer we have to calculate or check the calculation in other sites for dp or sp to px. It will be helpful if you include these units in adobe illustator.

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  4. Change the layer an object is located on

    If you have a large artboard with multiple objects and layers it is really time consuming to organize your layers when all you can do is drag and drop. I think it would be useful if you could right click on an object and "move to layer" like you can in muse.

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  5. Allow to snap to middles of straight and curved segments in paths

    We need middles to get detected with Smart Guides.
    The latest Beta got this report fixed — — and now allows to detect these for straight two-point lines (as 'intersect', not 'middle') but it doesn’t work for straight segments within a larger path or curved segments at all.

    The team ignored the rest of the comments and did the bare minimum the report stated :( Hope this will get more votes to prove we need it still.

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  6. 「シンボルオブジェクト」に対してのコンテクストタスクバーの搭載 Installation of a context taskbar for "symbol objects"

    Please also request the installation of a context taskbar for "symbol objects". Especially when it comes to replacing, it should be much more.

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  7. Support all pie functions Ellipse offers for other live shapes

    There a few things circular pies need in Ai:
    1. Ellipse tool, circle pie, Shift snap to angles:
    2. Allow to define circle pie angles in percent, with snapping options:
    3. Reverse Pie with Opt/Alt when creating or editing an ellipse:

    It would also be nice to add the same behavior to rectangles, for the much beloved Square Pie. Casserole, perhaps? :)

    Originally by Ellis Humphres

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  8. Project Turntable

    Project Turntable - This option is not available even on the latest version of illlustrator 29.3.1 and the latest illustrator beta 29.4.73. How can this be activated in my account? This would really help fast track the projects I'm currently working on

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  9. Request to Reinstate the Full Retype Editing Functionality

    I have been a dedicated user of Adobe products and have greatly appreciated the advanced features that facilitate creative workflows. One such feature was the "Retype" function which allowed users to edit text directly within images. This feature was incredibly useful for many of us in the creative and professional fields, as it streamlined our processes and enhanced productivity.

    However, the Retype feature now seems limited to only identifying similar fonts rather than enabling direct text editing within an image. This limitation has significantly impacted the utility of this tool.

    Could you please consider reinstating the full functionality of Retype…

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  10. Allow targeting layers with no unlocked/visible paths in them.

    You can target a layer to apply an appearance by clicking on the circle to the right of its name in the Appearance palette.

    This is not possible, however, if the layer is empty.

    This is also not possible if the only thing the layer contains is empty layers.

    This is also not possible if all the children of the layer are locked. Or invisible.

    There must be at least one unlocked, visible non-layer object in a layer before you can target it.

    I am most often annoyed by trying and failing to target a layer with a bunch of…

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  11. Need Save As... in Edit Toolbar options

    I use saved toolbars, but they are tedious to create because when you click New toolbar... you get a blank toolbar and then have to add each tool one by one. I would like to open an existing toolbar (like Advanced) and have the option to Save As... under a new name - then, I can remove the tools I don't want and save it. Better to work from a starting point, than have to start from scratch.

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  12. Create a symbol without replacing art with the symbol.

    I would like a switch in the New Symbol dialogue to allow me to leave the original art on the canvas instead of replacing it with a symbol.

    Also it would be nice to be able to make a symbol out of the entire contents of a layer nested in another layer without the entire layer being replaced by the symbol.

    I use symbols in weird ways and both of these behaviors annoy the heck out of me.

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    1 comment  ·  Symbols  ·  Admin →
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  13. Local Artboard Editing Mode

    Illustrator already notionally works on one artboard at a time... the one that's zoomed to with Cmd-0, or pasted to with Cmd-V...

    Perhaps there could be a mode switch, similar to the 'Draw Inside' mode where all operations are confined to objects on the current artboard. Useful for Cmd-A for example. This would override unlocked artboards of course!

    This mode of operation is already familiar in InDesign where only current spread-object appear in the Layers.

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  14. Lock Highlight (Unlock) mode

    I've always wanted some kind of Lock Highlight feature:

    Much like editing a Group after double-click (which grays out all other artboard objects while you edit only that grouped object), I'd like to be able to see a grayed out preview of all the locked objects.

    With a keyboard shortcut (e.g. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Click), you could Unlock individual elements, then exit Lock Highlight mode and keep working.

    That would keep you from needing to go back around and relock other elements you didn't want to disturb.

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  15. All Inputs / Panels Follow Dimension Tool Scale

    I want to be able to create and edit all of my art in scale.
    I would like to be able to make a 2" rectangle in 1:2 scale and have it illustrator draw me a 1" square on the page.
    This would be very powerful for things when expanded to the object info box to get area and path dimensions, being able to make a font 3' tall in the character panel.
    Every place that you can control shapes with math, it would be amazing to be able to do it to scale in the program without having…

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  16. Scale tool with value input and custom anchor

    I'm not necessarily looking for a script—I’m just curious if a tool could be developed to enhance Illustrator’s Scale tool. Specifically, I’d love the ability to input a custom scale value (e.g., uniformly 125%, 100% height, 20% width, etc.) while also being able to position a custom anchor point, as currently available in the Scale tool.

    I understand that the Transform Each function allows users to select individual objects, input values, and place an anchor point. However, this feature has limitations:

    The anchor point can only be placed within the object's bounds.
    To uniformly scale multiple objects, users must group…

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  17. Allow to snap to points of a symbol with Dimension Tool

    Is there any chance to make it works with symbols? Using multiple instances of a symbol is a basic workflow in many industries (especially in the fashion industry). Unfortunately you can’t work this way because the Dimension tool is not compatible with symbols.

    Thanks to Daté Tetegan for the idea.

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  18. Show/Collapse Option for the Right-Click Menu Items

    The Right-Click menu is getting too long. How about making an option to collapse or send to a fly-out window from the right-click menu, the least used tools/commands? Or, the ability to roll-up (or keep unrolled) the sections in the right-click menu? And the next time AI is started, the settings appear as they were from a previous session.

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  19. Allow to name new artboard copies by incrementing numbers in their names

    I often have to make documents with many artboards. And every time when I copy it, Illustrator add " copy" to name.

    Common, I name it like "name 01".
    I want to in this case the copy of this artboard named "name 02" ...

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  20. Edit Colors panel - drag and drop from document swatches

    1. In the "Edit Colors" panel, users can already select a document's color palette. However, it would be incredibly helpful to allow dragging and dropping individual colors from the document's palette directly into the active color set of an object.

    2. Currently, users have to manually input color values (e.g., RGB), which is time-consuming. Adding a drag-and-drop feature would make this process more efficient and user-friendly, greatly improving the workflow for designers.

    Thank you for considering this enhancement!

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