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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4575 results found

  1. To be able to make Illustrator a 3D drawing software as well.

    I want to be able to have a 3D view of the artwork, because illustrator is based on paths I thought rather that it would be cool to navigate it in 3D.

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  2. 2 votes
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  3. Metadata on ASE

    For me and many designers, color is an asset with information associated with it that I need to follow this asset as it moves from different design programs. With metadata attached to file, I would be able to utilize the features in InDesign and other programs to auto populate this information into text fields. Additionally if this metadata ASE file was a library shared between many users and the any of the tagged information on a color was changed, this update would shoot out to any documents using this color. It would reduce:
    -errors by relying on one source of…

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  4. Smart Guides limited to current artboard

    An option to have Smart Guides only snap to things that are actually on the current artboard.

    It's annoying to be working on an empty artboard and have everything snap to things far off the screen on some other artboards. That can be pretty annoying.

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  5. Release / Cancel Image Trace with Escape

    Let me back out of an Image Trace with ESC. Sometimes it just won't work and I need to back out. If I've tried a thousand different combinations and it still won't trace well then I have to delete the image or sit through all of my undo's and sometimes I run out of undo's. I need to be able to cancel the trace.

    The panel is also missing a dedicated button, and only the menu command does it.

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  6. 57 votes
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  7. Blend shapes or lines along a curved path, like a "spline".

    Type can be arranged along a custom curved path. Why not blends? As it is now, if I want to arrange repeating vertical lines along a curved horizontal path, I have to: create the blend in a straight line, then: line by line, go along the blend cutting off bits to match the curved horizontal baseline. I can make it look decent, but it takes quite a while.

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  8. Make (Anchor Points) Pixel Perfect /Snap points to grid

    I appreciate the Make Pixel Perfect command... when it works. It does what one would expect when applied to a simple ellipse, rectangle, or etc, but for many complex shapes it simply fails with "Selected art cannot be made pixel perfect."

    When I attempt Make Pixel Perfect on a more complex shape, I'm looking for one of two things:

    • I want to round the x, y, width and height of the whole path to the nearest whole-pixel values, or
    • I want to round the x and y of every anchor point along the path to the nearest whole-pixel values.


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  9. This is a bug report on unresponsive behavior on the Macintosh OS

    Illustrator 2018 is unresponsive and erratic to mouse and keyboard input on Apple OS 10.13.6.

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  10. Autodesk designer had this feature. Need real line weighting. Please offer handle rotation/individual handle movement in the Width tool?

    Please consider the same bezier path tools incorporated into the Pen Width tool. My inkling cleanup would be a breeze and this may be an easy and awesome feature enhancement. Autodesk Designer used to have this tool and it saved a LOT of time.

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  11. always create spines for blends

    When you create a blend between two or more closed paths, Illustrator automatically generates a blend spine that you can edit.

    But when your blend involves at least one open path, suddenly Illustrator decides you don't need a spine. If you want one, you have to draw an approximation of the spine you figure your blend would have, probably move it around a lot to put the blend where you want it because you guessed wrong as to where Illustrator thought the center of the paths in your blend would be, and then finally do the blend spine tweaking you…

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  12. Have swatch tooltips show actual CMYK or RGB values

    I'd like the swatch tooltips to show the actual CMYK/RGB/HSB etc. values instead of the user created name. Or, at least have the "Name with Color Value" checkbox, like InDesign does.

    In a document where i have numerous color values that can sometimes be one percentage point of difference from another, this would be helpful in grouping them and then merging those near identical colors.

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  13. Easier way to unlock layers

    I, like most people, work with layers. Sometimes those layers are 5, sometimes closer to 100. Thing is, I don't want to have to scroll through 100 layers to find the 1 locked layer I want to unlock. It would be great if I could just right-click on it, then go through a 2-step process to unlock the layer. At the very least, if I double-click on said locked layer, I wish to be shown immediately in the Layers panel where that layer is.

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    In latest versions you can enable 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas ' option in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section. This will draw a small lock marker for those objects that are locked in your selection (they won’t be a part of selection box though) — click it to unlock an object. Please try it and comment back about if it works for you.

    Another way to do it is to right-click on the locked object (with or without the option above being enabled) choose Unlock and pick an object to unlock from the list. If you want Ai to highlight these on canvas when browsing this menu, you can upvote this request.

  14. change stroke color of custom brush

    I've downloaded a few custom brushes & their colors don't change. They're black, that's it, no matter what stroke color I choose in the palette. I don't like having to expand their appearance just to change their color. In a few projects that I'm working on, I want to be able to try a few different brushes in the color that I like (and be able to change that color, too) + at any point that I wish to change that brush again in the future & maintain that color. You get it. Hoping this is a simple thing the…

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  15. Ability to UNDO not only actual changes to objects but also selections

    Basically what title says.
    Now if you select multiple objects and mess up your selection (accidentally deselect everything, select something that you do not want etc.) you have to select everything all over again (or carefully pick out unwanted objects). And there is no option to undo that.
    In applications such as 3ds Max, for example, you can do that — undo history counts in every act of selecting and deselecting, even for individual vertices.

    13 votes
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  16. bug: Screen turns black after choosing width tool

    In between bugs I still try to make something in Illustrator, and now this happened:

    1. I hit Shift + W on the keyboard to select the width tool.
    2. Instead of the width tool cursor, the cursor became a black rectangle.
    3. I noticed both the Selection tool and width tool were selected in the tools window.
    4. I dicided to click on an Anchor anyway, and the screen turned black. The video signal went off, monitor went on standby. The HDD/SSD light on the PC was flashing nonstop. PC did not respond to anyting (I think, but I could not see because…
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  17. Allow to align pins in the puppet warp tool with each other

    In the process of creating brushes from existing artwork, the puppet warp tool is very helpful. But currently, I have to manually align the "spine" of an object and make use of the ruler. See attached.

    Unless of course, I am missing a step? I tried the align tool and it doesn't work for the pins for me. Would love if it did.

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  18. 整列のショートカットキーをアクションでの設定などを使わずデフォルトで作ってください


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  19. Live Corners should be more live

    It's too easy to "break" a live corner in Illustrator.

    Compare how resilient a live corner is in Sketch versus in Illustrator. In Sketch, the original anchor point is available for manipulation no matter the corner rounding value.

    In Illustrator, translating a rounded corner in any way is highly likely to expand it to a raw bezier curve.

    Thus in Illustrator, if you want to edit your path at all, the best practice is actually to reduce all corner rounds to zero before making any edits. Then edit the path, and then restore the rounding values. To accomplish this, I…

    50 votes
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  20. Add 3D space navigator / mouse (3dconnexion) compatibility

    I would like to be able to pan and zoom with my space navigator 3D mouse.

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