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4568 results found

  1. Search window in all Adobe programs

    Add a window where I can search a feature, window, or command that exists in the program.
    It's hard to remember where everything is located.

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  2. Better join segments tool

    There are instances (mostly when cleaning up DXF files from 3D models) were there are a lot of broken line segments. It would be great if there were options for the join command to join multiple line segments that are within a certain distance and tangent angle to each other. It would then take multiple separate line segments and join them into one clean and continuous line.

    Maybe there would also be a preview ability that would recolor\highlight the lines that would be joined and then allow you to adjust the distance and angle until you get the desired result.

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  3. Make the new "Properties" panel optional.

    The idea of the properties panel is nice, but it should be customizable. For example, the four pathfinder tools that come up when more than one object is selected aren't the main four that I use, so it would be nice to be able to switch out the default four that pop up.

    It would also be nice if there were a way to not use the new properties panel, and be able to switch in the windows drop down menu to using the old properties panel that is in the top bar across the screen. I don't love the…

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    If you want to switch the older control panel you can do that in 2 ways:
    1. Go to Window > Control and the control panel will be shown.
    2. Go to Workspaces and switch to Essential Classic, this will also show the Control panel on the top.

    Thanks & Regards
    Nitish Agarwal
    Illustrator Team

  4. "Replace" automatically selected

    Everytime I place an image I have to check if "replace" is clicked. If I have a picture selected and then "place", it means I want to replace it. Please fix this, it's very annoying and have been there for ages.

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  5. Used to be able to resize text back to 100% in a group after stretching it horizontally or vertically.

    After stretching a group horizontally or vertically, you used to be able to resize the text back to 100% (aka, revert the weird text stretching while keeping all the objects grouped together). This option seems to be missing after the Ai update! Please give it back!

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  6. When embedding images flatten all images option without having to scroll through each one

    When embedding my links to go to press I have multiple links and it is redundant to ask everytime if I want to flatten each image one by one. There should be an option to flatten all highlighted images in one shot. If I have 70 documents to go to press with 30 links each it can get very time consuming.

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  7. Typography Swapping Window (just like “Recolor Artwork”

    I use Edit>Edit Colors>Recolor Artwork so very often that I have replaced the “Rulers” keyboard shortcut with “Recolor Artwork.”

    “Character Styles” and “Paragraph Styles” are invaluable tools, but I REALLY would love to have a dialogue box identical to that of “Recolor Artwork,” except for swapping & changing type, character & paragraph rules/styles. If necessary, I can create a mockup of the UI that I have in my head for this, but I’m not planning to, unless it is necessary.

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  8. Find color in artwork

    Sometimes I have a stray color that I cannot find in the artwork. It would be nice if there was a way I could click on the swatch and say find color and it would highlight everything that color was used on.

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  9. Rotate in Portrait Mode on Surface Pro

    When rotating the Surface Pro from landscape to portrait, Illustrator will not stay in portrait mode. It reverts back to landscape.
    Adobe Photoshop works in portrait mode.
    Illustrator used to work in portrait mode, but no longer does in CC 2017 and CC 2018.

    Example of issue here:

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  10. Customize Quick Actions in Properties

    Love the new Properties panel and the Quick Actions feature. But sometimes I need to do some actions that had disappear from the old toolbar like select objects with the same fill color...
    It will be nice if I can add or remove some actions based on what I usually do.

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  11. Recent files list - right-click menu with "Open folder"

    In Illustrator (and also other Adobe apps): when the program is started but no document is opened there is a list with icons representing the recent opened documents. My suggestion: Add a right-click menu on those icons with an option to open the document's folder in Windows Explorer.

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  12. Impossible to install Adobe Creative Cloud on MacOS High Sierra... Error Code: P22

    Installation on case-sensitive volumes is not supported. Please choose a different volume for installation. (Error Code: P22)... This is a today message trying to install Adobe Creative Cloud on MacOS High Sierra Version 10.13

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  13. Quick Look support for .ai files in MacOS

    Selecting a file in the MacOS Finder and then pressing spacebar to preview the file is one of the great features of the OS. It works with image files of many types as well as PDF files, etc. But not .ai files. Please build a Quick Look extension to add this support. Thanks.

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  14. Fix warp type effects

    This has probably be stated before, but has long been an issue with warping text. It plain sucks, especially on an arc unless you use the type on a path tool.

    Many moons ago there was a plug-in called Kai's Power Tools, KPT Vector Tools. It worked perfectly with one click and than for those that know Kai the creator vanished and updates were never made. It stopped working at Illustrator 9 for me.

    I am sure at Adobe there are many programming geniuses that can make the current warp effects work much better.

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  15. Add trim marks back to artboards like in previous versions

    Add trim marks back to artboards like in previous versions. As a print shop we use these everyday to quickly and accurately resize artboards so center crop marks and registration marks are not too close to the art when we print films. Not sure why this was even removed.

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  16. The new "Export for Screens" would be more useful if I could enter other formats, in particular, GIF.

    The new "Export for Screens" would be more useful if I could enter other formats, in particular, GIF.

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  17. Display colour swatches

    Marquee across a portion of the artboard and then hit a hot key, which brings a pop up display of all of the swatches within the area you have marquee. From that pop up display you can select single or multiple colours. For instance if you have vectorised something and you find within the area you have marquee that there is multiple blues, you can select all of those blues in the pop up and then change them all to 1 colour from your swatches menu - a really quick way to reduce down the colours that you don't need

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  18. Put all Blend options and commands into one dialog / panel

    Blend Tool > Blend Options Panel stinks, nothing personal.
    I use the Blend tool. A lot. When I start a blend, the Properties Panel helpfully tells me that I have a Blend. Thanks for that. But I still have to go to Object > Blend > Blend Options to get any options for the Blend tool. What if the Blend tool options would magically appear in the Properties panel while I'm using that tool?

    Also, the Blend Options panel will not let me make any changes to the blend other than Spacing or Orientation. How about putting the other Blend…

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  19. New artboard default to spacing set in Rearrange artboard panel

    It would be useful if when you create a new artboard that the spacing between it and the previous one reflects the spacing you have defined in the 're-arrange artboards' panel.

    Currently it defaults to something around 7/8mm which is annoying when you have artwork that spills over, as moving the artboard drags the artwork with it. I know you can turn that feature off, but the spacing defaulting to what you've already defined would still be very useful.

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.3.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  20. link panel shows what layer the (missing) link is on and/or makes 'go to link' work on hidden layers too.

    When links are missing that are on a hidden layer there is no way to easily spot them and check on in multilayered files. Since the GoToLink function only works on active layers, there is no other way but showing ALL layers and then using this function, remembering the layer and then hide the layers again; a painstaking procedure with large multilayered files. Would be nice if the link panel would simply state on which layer the missing link resides. Or make the GoToLink function automatically make the appropriate layer visible, like when pasting onto a hidden layer with 'paste…

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