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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4565 results found

  1. Bring back the ability to create a new artboard with a click of Artboard tool, just like it used to work in earlier versions

    Bring back the ability to click to set the location of a new artboard. With 2018, I have to find wherever a new artboard appears and move it to where I want it.

    In 2017 and prior, I'd just click to make a new artboard where I wanted it.

    22 votes
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  2. Efect menu

    I would like to provide a suggestion, to the "Effect" menu of Illustrator, they will take the same aesthetics from the rest of the menus. "Effect" looks very Windows 95.

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  3. Switch between pages without a save and close

    I edit massive amounts of business cards. They are saved as two page documents. They are easiest to edit in Illustrator and I haven't found a way to switch between pages without saving and closing and reopening. I would like to switch between pages of a document to edit illustrator type artwork within these documents.

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  4. text align vertically

    Allow text to be vertically centered in text box.

    In InDesign, there is an option in the text frame properties, "Vertical Justification", with a "Center" option.

    Or, the "baseline shift" option could be split into either specifying a number, as it is now, or specifying "center in text box".

    This option is very important sometimes, such as having a tag symbol (e.g. circle) with a label inside that is either 1 or 2 lines high. Right now I have to have 2 paragraph styles (1 for 1-line text and 1 for 2-line text) so the 1 line text is in…

    367 votes
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  5. Option to permanently expand areas of the Properties panel

    I have a lot of empty space in the new Properties panel.
    Having to click the '...' every time I want to access extra options seems clunky when I have so much unused space.
    In the old interface you could double-click on the top bar of a panel and it would expand to your preference and remember that expansion.
    A similar option here would be welcome.

    29 votes
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  6. dropbox syncing

    When I open/save through the native Illustrator dialogue boxes, files that I have in my dropbox folders begin to download for no reason. I use SmartSync to keep my HD space optimized and this little glitch makes that impossible.

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  7. Reveal in Finder / Explorer option for document tabs

    Reveal in Finder Option - Currently reveal in finder you "command + click" file name at top of window, however this option is not availble when window is tied to the application frame.

    20 votes
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  8. Unlink assets from Creative Libraries

    After I drop an asset from the library in a document, I want to be able to unlink it, and remove dependencies to an external library.
    In my case, I'm using library to build products that I'm selling, so when I export the products for sale, I need to remove the dependencies to these libraries.

    Any designer who sell his products, or share with people external to a team, would have the same need.

    We need to keep the flexibility of using a library (to update changes through multiple documents), but we need to make these documents self sufficient.

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    As stated in the comments, one can place a library item as an unlinked copy with Opt/Alt+dragging on canvas. To embed linked copies, a user can press the Embed button in Control / Properties panels, or choose Embed Image(s) command from the Links panel's flyout menu.

  9. Add Reference Point to "Convert to Shape" effect

    When using the convert to shape effect, it would be useful to be able to specify a reference point to the dialog, about which the effect can transform. For example, the current implementation distributes the effect from the centre across the height/width axes. A reference point would allow you to add extra dimension to the left/right/top/bottom (as required) and would be extremely useful in UI construction, among other things.

    21 votes
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  10. Ability to change layer visibility of linked files with Object Layer Options

    Using linked ai documents in an Illustrator file is a great way to reduce the file load on the system, and also to work collaboratively. It would be nice to be able to toggle layers in placed psd and ai files in the same way that InDesign does (accessed via import options on place, or by right-click context menu).

    50 votes
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  11. Remember Artboard zoom level

    Since the artboard changes in the latest release there is an annoying behaviour when I toggle from one document to another. If I'm at a certain zoom level on one document then I go to another document for whatever the reason, when I return to the previous document I'm automatically zoomed all the way into the last artboard on the list. This is a new behaviour and not very desireable for me. Please have zoom levels remembered when I go from one document tab to another.

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  12. Custom Measured Units for Accurate Drawing

    Today I zoom into the pixel level to draw 'in scale' - I would love the option to create custom units of measurement for my drawing and then have Snapping, Grids and Measuring Tools utilize them.

    For instance, make a illustration of a floor plan at scale but decide on 50px = 1 virtual foot. I could label this 'Feet' and accurately size lines and objects using this increment of measurement.

    Would be fantastic for my furniture and architecture sketching, as well as for many other hobbyists and professionals who know they get a more presentable result from Illustrator than…

    5 votes
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  13. Perspective anchored objects - Advanced perspective manipulation

    I've been wanting something to solve the following use-case for a while:

    When adjusting a 2D illustration drawn in perspective, to a new position within that perspective (think cereal box rotating on a surface), I find myself spending a lot of time adjusting anchors and curves. The new shape tools have been a huge help, but they can go further!

    It would be AMAZING to anchor 2D drawings to a perspective plane and update them with a simple rotation within that plane (like you would in 3D)

    How would this work? Illustrator would assume outer lines would move more slowly…

    3 votes
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  14. Option to disable 'Recent Fonts' feature.

    I hate having to scroll from the top of the fonts list every time i'm searching for a new font. Currently, in preferences there is an option for only 1 recent font, however, i'd like to be able to disable this feature completely.

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  15. Include Select Similar Objects button and dropdown in the Properties panel

    Please add Select Similar (same, colour, stroke, etc...) button, to new Properties panel(2018). And option for aligning one single object to artboard in Properties panel, would by fine too(without entering Align panel).

    6 votes
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  16. Artboards do not snap to whole pixels

    When the snap to pixel option is turned on and I use the Artboard Tool dragging the corner of the artboard results in random decimals.
    Say if my artboard is 512x512 and I drag a corner out it will now be dragging at every pixel but with a random decimal rather than a integer. this decimal will be the same at every snapped pixel until I let go. at this point if I move it again a new random decimal will be added.

    These two screenshots show issue values. take not it is random and the X and Y values…

    56 votes
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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  17. Update Actions to record more features

    In order of importance would love to see illustrator actions record

    1) the pdf preset, when saving to pdf
    2) save as location next to existing file as an option - i currently save to desktop and manually move the file.
    3) layer name when cut copying pasting, selecting all
    4) find font to not need the font loaded to work. We use this to eradicate old type 1 fonts that are buggy and crash computer.
    5) new swatch to remember the global swatch name when recording.

    13 votes
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  18. Add Expand Image Trace button in Properties

    When you do an image trace of an image there is no button to expand it.

    4 votes
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  19. Add features to the Rearrange Artboards dialog

    I create a lot of new artboards ( 1 for each screen I am designing). Since Illustrator always puts new artboards at the right of the current top row on the workspace (regardless of the order specified for rearranging artboards), I often have to use the Rearrange Artboards command to make more space for the next artboard. The more artboards in the file, the more often I have to rearrange artboards.

    It would be great if I could tell Illustrator to:

    1. Add new artboards at the location indicated by following the layout pattern in the Rearrange Artboards dialog, with an…

    26 votes
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  20. Support for Layers in CC Libraries

    Dragging a graphic into Libraries and then using it in After effects is great BUT if when you dragged it into AE the named layers remained in tact it would be very useful.

    Also nested Illustrator files (in an illustrator document) could open up in after effects as comps that you drill into to access layers. It would save a lot of set up time. Thanks :-)

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