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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4567 results found

  1. Add features to the Rearrange Artboards dialog

    I create a lot of new artboards ( 1 for each screen I am designing). Since Illustrator always puts new artboards at the right of the current top row on the workspace (regardless of the order specified for rearranging artboards), I often have to use the Rearrange Artboards command to make more space for the next artboard. The more artboards in the file, the more often I have to rearrange artboards.

    It would be great if I could tell Illustrator to:

    1. Add new artboards at the location indicated by following the layout pattern in the Rearrange Artboards dialog, with an…

    26 votes
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  2. Support for Layers in CC Libraries

    Dragging a graphic into Libraries and then using it in After effects is great BUT if when you dragged it into AE the named layers remained in tact it would be very useful.

    Also nested Illustrator files (in an illustrator document) could open up in after effects as comps that you drill into to access layers. It would save a lot of set up time. Thanks :-)

    4 votes
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  3. Accessing Legacy Typefaces (non Variable Concept ones)

    The new version of Minion and Myriad are EXCELLENT, and I am very excited by the possibilities that this opens up. But I work in Art production, and for consistency, I need access to the legacy version of these typefaces. May we have access to both?

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  4. Adobe CC Library Dropdown Categories and Groups

    Adobe CC Library Dropdown Categories and Groups + Backup

    Categories - I work for a large company, and while I LOVE the libraries, I hate scrolling. I'd love to be able to categorize them; for example, "Branding," "Imagery," "Products," "Stock," "Case Studies," "Creative" to cut down on the mega scroll effect.

    Groups - Reiterating what another user said, group folders WITHIN the libraries would be very useful for one-off clients (or product launches) where you need to have lots of information in one library collection.

    Backup - We need to be able to backup these libraries or have history restore…

    12 votes
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  5. Please help ALL Adobe CC products load 2x sooner, run 2x faster, and use 0.5x the memory...

    It is clear, by running applications of other vendors on the same PC, that my PC is running fast and smooth. That is for all vendors, except Adobe. Although Adobe CC products are great in my eyes, they take a LONG time to load, have huge delays when switching tools or workflows, and use large amounts of memory on my Task Manager. If the overall speed of everything could be doubled, and the amount of memory used could be halved, then we would be in the right ball-park, performance wise.

    14 votes
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  6. Keyboard shortcut to switch between colour panels (RGB/HSB)

    I use both the HSB and the RGB colour panels all the time. To switch between them, the user currently has to select from the options menu or shift-click multiple times to cycle through.

    What would be really great is to be able to assign shortcuts to specific colour panels.

    11 votes
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  7. Remove units from input boxes

    When editing a value in an input box, e.g. the width of an artboard, the unit (px) is still included in the box. This makes it harder to hit the right spot in the text with your mouse, and makes it more prone to error. It's especially annoying when performing arithmetic!

    Trying to avoid this situation: "306 p+34x"

    1 vote
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  8. Export shortcut for PNG, JPEG etc

    It would be great to have either a keyboard shortcut for exporting as a PNG, JPEG etc or even a toolbar shortcut.

    13 votes
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  9. A back button on the Save & Export windows

    Often when saving/exporting a file from illustrator i'll move through the various steps; naming the file, choosing a location, adjusting the settings etc, then just as i go to hit 'ok' on the final window i'll realise i forgot to adjust a setting in an earlier window and so am forced to hit the cancel button and start the saving process again.
    Obviously its not a huge issue but it would save a little time and frustration if you could just click a back button rather than having to start over.

    2 votes
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  10. Save for Web

    The new and NOT IMPROVED Illustrator does not allow me to save gifs and jpegs for the web. I used this feature all time since I design web banners - and now it's gone! Thanks for nothing, Adobe!

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  11. Adobe have to improve the SVG exportation tool

    Adobe have to improve the SVG tool, because we need to create new document to be able export SVG CODE directly from Illustrator file...
    Will be better, if we colect files to export, and on this function, be able to export not just SVG file, but also the SVG code, to use diretly on CSS and HTML.
    Will be a great help to web designers.
    Cumpz :)

    11 votes
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  12. Resurrect Macromedia Freehand

    Or at least study its superior usability and intuitiveness and adopt these features in Illustrator.

    Or, at the VERY least, build in the ability to open old Freehand files in Illustrator.


    6 votes
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  13. Adjusting the curve of the "type on the path" and be able to keep the type from distorting

    This was actually a feature that USED to work on previous illustrators, since this month's update (October 2018), it stopped working. Basically, you make a circle shape, then you type on a path. But sometimes you want to be able to adjust/transform the curve (while keeping the Type same size and proportion) to see how it would lay without distorting the type. *Not the same as holding shift because that just keeps the curve the same shape, and it also make the type bigger or smaller. See image for a mock up of what it should look like in action.…

    4 votes
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  14. Font identification

    Provide an automated routine to identify fonts that were converted to outlines, or that are in a bitmap format.

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    We have started working on the tech that allows us to enable the following:

    • Ability to convert the outlined/expanded text back to live text.
    • Ability to lock objects to a character/glyph of a live text, allowing users to change the text (properties) while the object stays locked into the character.

    As we work through the complexities of handling different font families, font size, and other font properties, we would love to meet with you and share our thinking around it and understand :

    • Your use cases and workflows that this feature will help you with.
    • What is most essential for you.
    • The workarounds that you currently use to achieve this.

    If you are interested, please pick a time slot that works for you using this link.

  15. Grid or Guides Calculator

    Have a make grid or guides feature with a grid calculator that was artboard dependant.

    • as in I could have different grids on different artboards
    • proportional grids
    • vertical grids and guides as well as horizontal

    The amount of time I take having to set up grids, by drawing boxes and dragging in guides, to do my layout is enormous.

    It is such a fundamental part of graphic design, I feel like it should really be embedded in illustrator. I have noticed that the new Photoshop has it. Also indesign has it. But really i need it more in illustrator.


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  16. Shapes created in Photoshop should be paste as vector in Illustrator.

    Shapes created in Photoshop should be paste as a vector in Illustrator.

    After all Photoshop and Illustrator belong to the same family, So at-least we users expect this little ability to have this ease of use.

    Please do include this capability.


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  17. New version change over

    New versions, NOT new name. Drop the year add-on. Just ask to overwrite existing app version. I use overflow to start up my apps, not the Adobe menu. By adding a new app name AND deleting the old one you BREAK ALL my links to ***** up my workflow.

    Also, import to the new version ALL MY TEMPLATES. You created significant work for me to go an find the old templates and then get them into 2018

    Most importantly: Send some of your engineers out to see people use your products in the real world that is NOT web design…

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  18. 2018CC version Preferences - Units go back to "points"

    Preferences Units go back to "points" even after I change it to "millimetres" on 2018CC version. I go to Units (no document open) and change from default POINTS to "mm". When I open a new document it is reading POINTS again!

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  19. Option to put Properties Panel at the top of the workspace.

    For those of us who find it more convenient for the Properties to be at the top of our workspace, we should be able to click and drag the properties panel into the default space along the top of the window.

    19 votes
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  20. Search window in all Adobe programs

    Add a window where I can search a feature, window, or command that exists in the program.
    It's hard to remember where everything is located.

    1 vote
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