Losing Days on the Free Trial
I was opening Adobe Illustrator on a free trial. When I opened it, I lost a day of my free trial! I feel as I was cheated of an extra day to use Illustrator. I think to improve free trials, that you shouldn't lose any days when you do not use the program. I expected 7 days of my free trial but in the end only got to use 2 days! That is completely absurd! Even when I tried the free trial for Photoshop the same happened.
This is unfortunate because I know that Illustrator is one of those top quality applications... I would love to use Illustrator for the powerful tools for creativity. It's a shame, I would have acutally paid to buy Illustrator, but now knowing I will get scammed, I don't think it is worth it. Sorry, but it is still a great app! :D