Link location mistaken for other document's link location
When opening a specific document, links are found missing.
When I open the document nevertheless, click on a link and check the location, the path it shows is one that was used in a previously opened, unrelated document.
When my colleague opens the document on her computer, everything is fine.

Christophe Delahaye commented
We have what I think is the same problem !
To reproduce this here are the step :1 - You need to have several .ai files in different locations in which you have a link with the same name but not the same location (so they can be different and errors inducing !)
2 - Open all .ai files
3 - Illustrator ask you to find the missing link for the first file
4 - When relinked it will keep in memory this link and apply it to all next document with the same name linked but at the wrong location (the same as the first one !).
This can lead to very serious errors !