Actions ignore dash settings
When action is created to change line to eg. Dash 20pt, Gap 20pt, Align dashes to corners and path ends and action is run on a file, Illustrator changes only Dash size and ignoring the Gap size and aligment of dashes.
Another action crated to scale all in a file disproportionaly and action is run, it does not scale disproportionaly - ignores disproportion values.
Actions cannot be trasted (used to be very good in pre CC version).

Humayun commented
can't believe this is still a problem with 2022 version
PeterKe commented
I am trying to create an action for my leather craft work. Recording dashed line as stitching holes on my pattern does not play back. Instead of dashes it creates a line. Gaps are not set correctly.
StPatty33 commented
When creating an Action stroking a path with a dashed line, the recording itself will at first show the correct settings (for example, 5pt dash, 10pt gap), but once you play the Action back, the Action instead uses the first GAP setting as the first DASH setting, and sets the first GAP to 0. This happens on the first dash and gap, no matter how many dash/gap pairs you have. For instance, recording this:
Dashed Line(s): 2
Dash 1: 5
Dash 2: 10Plays back as this:
Dashed Line(s): 2
Dash 1: 10
Dash 2: 0And recording this:
Dashed Line(s): 6
Dash 1: 5
Dash 2: 10
Dash 3: 5
Dash 4: 10
Dash 5: 5
Dash 6: 10Plays back as this:
Dashed Line(s): 6
Dash 1: 10
Dash 2: 0
Dash 3: 5
Dash 4: 10
Dash 5: 5
Dash 6: 10 -
Anonymous commented
I can't believe this is still a problem with 2020 version!
Antonio Martínez Brotons commented
This is unsolved in Illustrator CC 22.1. Basically instead of Dash1-Gap1-Dash2-Gap2... the action saves all the values as Dash1-Dash2-Dash3-Dash4... so not gaps are introduced.
Eddie Szkuta commented
This problem was posted in 2017 and it is still there.
I have impression that my retirement (action) comes quicker than Adobe action fix.
Any one to bet on it?
It is safe bet !! -
Steve commented
Using Illustrator CC 2018, attempted to create an action that created a 0.35 pt line with a dashed stroke with the following settings: 40 pt, 5 pt, 10 pt, 5 pt, 10 pt, 5 pt.
Expected result: action sets the weight of any line to 0.35 pt with dashed settings matching the above.
Actual result: action sets the weight to 0.35, but with dashed settings of 5 pt, 0 pt, 10 pt, 5 pt, 10 pt, 5 pt. Even with different dashed settings, the first two values (first dash value and first gap value) are reproduced incorrectly.