Illustrator does not change the colour profile of Swathes between open files of different color profiles
See Case 0189293847.
"Basic RGB" Colour Swatch does not change colour when switching files (tabs) of open files with different Embedded profiles.
If you close down then open illustrator, it will take and then keep the swatch with that profile.
Replication of error.
- Create .ai file that has the "ProPhoto RGB" assigned profile and save ensuring the ICC profile is embedded
- Create .ai file that has the "sRGB" assigned profile and save ensuring the ICC profile is embedded
Edit>"Colour Settings", and set the Working Space RGB to "ProPhoto RGB"
Tick on:- Profile Mismatches
- Missing Profiles Press OK
Close down Illustrator
Restart Illustrator
Open up the "ProPhoto RGB" file first,
then open up the "Basic RGB" swatch panel:
Swatches Window > from the Menu "Open Swatch Library" > "Default Swatches" > "Basic RGB"Screen grab the "Basic Swatch Menu" and place into MS Office Paint
You will notice the very saturated Red, Green Cyan and MagentaOpen up the "sRGB" file next
Note that the "Basic RGB" swatch panel does not change colour.
Screen grab and paste into Paint and compare.Now close down Illustrator and repeat the process,
but this time open up in the opposite order:
"sRGB" first
"ProPhoto" second
You will notice this time that the "Basic RGB" swatch panel is not so saturated,
and now matches the first file opened "sRGB".
switching between panels does not change the colour of the "Basic RGB" swatch panel.
Screen grab the "Basic RGB" swatch panel and paste into paint,
and compare .. you will notice the change of color.
The "Basic RGB" swatch panel should change colour as you switch between files that are open.
It doesn't. This is a bug.
You can change the "Colour Settings" so that the working space profile is "sRGB":
Edit>"Colour Settings", and set the Working Space RGB to "sRGB"
and repeat the stages above and you get the same issue.
You should not have to shut down illustrator, for the swatches panel to pick up the new colours
as you switch between open files on the tab.