No align on Artboart option for Forms
No align on Artboart option for Forms.
In the new properties Panel if you select some custom form you get the alignment stuff, including the option to switch between "align on artboard and align on selection".
If you select an Standard Form e.g. a circle you get no option alignment tools in the properties panel and you also have no option in the alignment window to select if you want to align on artboard or selection.
The properties Panel should have the possibility to align all elements, forms and so on.
Also as a backup you should include the possibility to align on artboard and align on selection in the alignment window again.

vitor araujo commented
Hi, Illustrator should have an option to align atrboards between themselves as all the other shapes do...and also, the artboard doesn't snap in the guides as they should...
Ziaullah commented
Thanks for reporting the issue.
We are able to reproduce the issue and internal Bug ID AI-4209657 is to track the issue.Thanks,
Mohd Ziaullah
Illustrator Engineering Team