Adding extra points and distorting paths after using Eraser and Scissor Tools
When I use the eraser and scissor tools Illustrator decides to add points to my existing shape. In the image I have attached all lines should be straight or have a slight curve on the corners. I did not add those points and didn't even know they were there until I zoomed out. I just updated Illustrator to its current version. If someone else is having a similar issue or know how to fix it please let me know.

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Thanks & Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Oleg Krasnov commented
Mait commented
Why doesn't Pathfinder tool distor objects then?
Mait commented
How should people work with illustrator when doing linework for vector illustration. It should be one click and on tabled I can make few quick strokes with the eraser tool.
But now I have to cut maybe 20 times and select lise segments 10 times and click delete for each. How this is not major issue? -
Mait commented
It is completely obvious that eraser tool should not simplify line. Is AI really designed this way that this is unsurmountable problem to solve.
Doug Roberts commented
Adding AI file:
Doug Roberts commented
Using the eraser tool on straight segments of paths adds control handles to anchor points and creates unexpected distortions.
Steps to recreate:
1. Draw a path with the pen tool consisting of several straight line segments (anchor points have no control handles).
2. Select the eraser tool and click on one of the straight segments.Result:
Control handles are added at anchor points and sometimes unexpectedly warp the existing path. Occasionally anchor points are added and corners, creating curves.Expected result:
The original path fidelity is maintained except for a deleted section where the eraser was used.Please confirm using the attached AI file.
lahondé commented
Problem with the eraser tool when I erase straight segments the rest becomes curved and distorts my basic illustration
Diego commented
also two pictures.
Diego commented
I have the same problem with eraser tool. When cutting a straight line, the eraser tool adds unrequested smooth points, or transforms the endpoint of the lines from "corner points" to "smooth points", deforming the shape of the original straight lines into slightly curved lines. This tool should keep the shape of the line, or it should have an option to enable or disable that.
Magnus commented
It would be nice to have the fidelity slider added to the Eraser Tool to be able to get the same control over strokes as with the Blob Brush Tool.