Font cuts disappeare
After a short time of working, the font styles disappear from the font menu. They are then no longer selectable.
If I select Text in the document, the Myriad is displayed instead of the correct font.
I have checked which actions the problem occurs. Even if there is no user action and the document has been opened correctly and without error, Illustrator will switch to Myriad after a few minutes and will partially remove the fonts of the previously selected font from the menu.
I took the following test:
I have opened a document. ClanOT was previously selected as the font. Illustrator does not yet show any error. Then I didn't touch the computer and program for about five to ten minutes. When I wanted to continue working from the document, several font cuts had disappeared from the menu and the Myriad was set.
The error occurs in Illustrator without any action by the user.
I have deleted the font caches several times. The problem remains.
I apologize if I misrepresented myself. My English is not perfect, so I use an online translator.
What I mean is the following:
I have created a document, selected a font and written text. Font is ClanOT bold. The typeface also has the cuts "book", "book Italic" and "bold Italic". After a few minutes I can only select bold. Or just Italic, for example. All other sections are no longer visible in the menu.
The text in the document is highlighted, but then often Myriad is shown in the menu. (Not in the picture below)
However, the text itself is still displayed in Clan.
The font is not damaged. It works in all other programs.
The problem affects not only the font Clan but some others as well.
My font management program is compatible.
Please have a look here:

Ken Kuroki commented
I uploaded a video and some relevant information. -
Ken Kuroki commented
I encountered the same issue. Or more precisely, I've had this for years already.
- Fonts that are used get disappeared
- That happens right after saving a working file
- This is not a problem with font recognition, because everything is alright at first and when the problem arises restarting Illustrator resolves it, but only temporarily.
- This is not a problem specific to some .ai file, because very simple operations like starting from the blank file, using some font (eg. Myriad Pro Bold), and then saving the file are enough to replicate it.
- This is not font specific. But the font member on the top of the drop-down (often "regular") does not disappear (not entirely sure about this point though).
- This has something to do with multi-language support. English version of Illustrator has no problem, but Japanese and Chinese (simplified) versions do, and it looks like Harald Schmidt also uses Illustrator in a multi-language environment. In addition, after some extensive web search, I found no report of this kind in English websites, but several in Japanese.
- Changing some preference settings, specifically "Show Font Names in English", "Show East Asian Options", and Fill New Type Objects With Placeholder Text" didn't affect the issue.I'm using the latest 22.1 version on Windows, although I don't think this is quite relevant. I do hope some investigation will be made on it.
Harald Schmidt commented
I forgot to mention:
Illustrator CC 2018 (current version)
MacOS High Sierra (latest version)