Autosave disables itself
Windows 10, AI CC (latest release)
Autosave disables itself. When AI crashes - as it does - I get nothing.
I set auto-save for every 2 minutes in preferences. Then, after Illustrator crashes, I go back in to preferences to find it has unchecked that option. Nothing. I lose a load of work.
There are no expletives for how I feel about this. PLEASE sort it out?

Anonymous commented
When updating illustrator, the users selection of "Automatically Save Recovery Data Every" will be unchecked regardless of users previous setting.
Anonymous commented
Yes, this is incredibly annoying. Just lost a load of work when illustrator crashed (which is a regular occurrence these days) because I'd updated the program recently and the new update turned off auto update when it's always been on. Why? Aren't settings supposed to be transferred from one update to another?
Mickael Barney commented
Even though it should import all previous settings (box check).
It doesn't import this particular setting.
Could you please fix this?