Microsoft Surface pro 5 pen + Adobe illustrator cc2018 pen tool issues
I installed Adobe CC 2018 and some other softwares on Miscrosoft Surface Pro 5.
But, I found an issues in the Adobe Illustrator cc2018 and cc2017 when I used a surface pro 5 pen + "pen tool", it is often unable to click. This issues sometime also occurs when using surface pro 5 pen + the "brush tool" and "hand tool".
But somehow, when using a mouse, everything becomes normal.
Then I tried to use the surface pro pen on Adobe Photoshop + pen tool, and it's all normal.
Even I also tried in Adobe Illustrator CS6, the surface pen + "pent ool" are normal too.
I was update windows, reinstal adobe illustrator, find solution on surface pen setting and adobe illustrator preference but still not found solution.
I have idea: adobe give solution for this issues so surface user can still using adobe illustrator to working.

Wes Rand commented
I wonder if this bug is more universal. I have noticed the same problem with a non-Wacom tablet on a Mac.