Possible Bug - Crop Image Auto Resizing Crop Box in New CC Illustrator 2019
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or just a poorly executed new feature, but in the new Illustrator CC 2019 when you have a raster image in the file and you go to "Crop Image" the crop marquee automatically changes to a random size and shape instead of remaining at the edges of the image. I'm not sure if there is some hidden feature where it is trying to automatically detect where you might crop the image to by detecting the image edges, but this is super annoying when you are trying to do something like just adjusting the image dpi.
It was perfectly fine in the last version. The only thing that could improve is that when you adjust the image dpi it would add white edges to some sides of the image. It would be nice if it would be more like the image size adjustment in photoshop. Or if it simply had a feature like in InDesign where you can choose to edit the image in photoshop and when you exit out it updated the image in the illustrator file.

You are referring to the content aware crop feature: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/whats-new.html#ContentAwareCrop
To turn this feature off please visit the Preference dialog (CMD+K) and turn off “Enable Content Aware defaults”
If I may suggest a workflow for you.
1. Use linked images, they not only are fast but also save disk space.
2. If you already have embedded images in your file, please use the unembed feature of Illustrator to export and link files automatically for you.
3. All linked images have this feature of Edit Original where you can edit images in a software of your choice like Photoshop.
4. If you have to share files to other users please make use of File menu>Package feature to collect everything including linked images and fonts in one directory.