cursor lag cc2019
Heavy cursor lag on arrow tools in cc2019. Tracking speed matches fine system wide, but is slowed / delayed in Ai.

Ivan K commented
I do feel cheated on... why am I paying 30 dollars a month for a broken software that is having troubles with literally fundamental functions?? On top of that on an OS with fixed configurations?? This is absurd
Al commented
Lag still persists with no change; meaning UNUSABLE Software!!!! You can't charge people for unusable software so get ready to refund everyone, or face a class action law suit!
Ivan K commented
I'm having this problem right now all across the suite on my new Macbook Pro. I've played with the UI settings and have dictation off but the programs still lag when scrolling on the canvas, and the mouse movements are delayed when having rulers on
CHIA-YI HUANG commented
Me too...
I update to cc 23.0, when select object and move, it can't follow selection tool move Immediately.