Illustrator will not let me align my art manually
I am working a normal piece(s) of art. I did one exactly like this yesterday on the same artboards, different client. I am unable to manually align the art to the artboard or the bleed guides as shown first image. I decided to shutdown Illustrator and the PC and then start them again. When opened I tried to move the art again and it still will not let me align the art. I disposed of the art on the artboard. Opened the clients art, copied it and pasted it in my layers to the artboard. Again I tried to manually align the art, I experienced the exact same issue. I created a new artboard, the issue still persists, image included. I have included all system information including AI settings incase this helps define the problem. Need a fix fast.

The problem was in the the Align to Pixel option being enabled. If you want to have it disabled by default for RGB documents, please upvote the existing request here.
ed commented
When did align to Pixel Grid become an active part of Illustrator? I finally discovered what was preventing me from aligning my art properly, it is the bloody abusive tool called Align to Pixel Grid. I am sure it is great for some artists, but for those of us who have to be precise it is an absolute pain. Is there a way to turn it off and on in preferences instead of adjusting for each piece of art/artboard I create? If not please get rid of it.