Scrolling mouse wheel over Stroke Weight Bug
To re create the bug:
1) Draw a path with the default path tool.
2) Highlight the path by clicking and dragging across it.
3) Open the Stroke Panel
4) Using a mouse that has a scroll wheel (in my case a $20 Logitech mouse), scroll up or down while the mouse pointer is hovering over the number for the stroke weight.
5) The weight does not change until you go 2 full weights passed the original weight.
Sometimes the weight will change but what often happens is that the weight must go at least 2 weights before 1 weight change is achieved.
I.e. if you draw a 2 pt path, and you want to scroll the wheel to a 3 pt path you must first go to 4 then back down to 3 pt.
Yes , I know you can simply click the arrows up or down to change weight, but when you spend 8hrs with the path tool, this time adds up!

Chris, does it still happen with newer versions of Ai?