illustrator CC 2019 selection by path only broken with symbols
- In Prefs>Selection and Anchor Display check Object Selection by Path Only.
- Drag a symbol from the symbol pane onto the artboard. 2a. It needs to be one with a filled area.
- Choose the pen tool.
- Draw an unfilled, stroked path with an anchor point that is on top of a filled area of the symbol.
- Choose the Direct Selection Tool.
- Drag over the anchor point, making sure not to drag over any paths, just a filled area. Alternately, drag over a filled part of a symbol even without a path on top.
- Notice that the symbol becomes selected. It should not select the symbol. This is not how it worked in 2018 or previous versions. Also works correctly in CS6.

Lynn Dalton commented
This still broken in v24 as well. I guess this is unimportant to Adobe. Not even a response. Please!
Anonymous commented
This bug was posted over 30 days ago, but there has been no response by Adobe. What's up guys?
The new update - 23.0.2 did not fix the problem. -
Lynn Dalton commented
In my step 6 - It should say Drag over the anchor point, making sure not to drag over any paths in the symbol...