Spot Colour separations from .EPS (DCS) gives blank plate
When outputting spot colour separations from a DCS .EPS file in Illustrator, one of the separations always generates a blank plate. I must duplicate the offending colour channel in Photoshop in order to get a print from it's duplicate.
Illustrator CC and Photoshop CC are updated to newest release on Mac OSX and Windows 7. Results the same printing to SoftRIP.ppd or Adobe PDF.ppd
The pdf example file contains the blank plate and the duplicate so you can see what should have printed. Let me know if you would need to see the native file DCS .EPS file
Wayne Gosche commented
I’m old too. Hopefully nobody discards my format. I will try that. Thanks for the suggestion.
Kevin Hartman commented
DSC is an old file format. I recommend just saving as a psd file, this will still carry over all your spot channel info to illustrator and give you a nice 100% accurate preview. Oh and a much much smaller file size.
Wayne Gosche commented