Illustrator CC 23.0.2 does not open files and cannot start new file. Toolbars and Menus are inaccessable.
All I can see after opening or trying to open files is a window that is hiding parts of illustrator file - I can see part of this on the right side and on bottom. No menus or tools are available to use, and the progress wheel just keeps spinning. Very frustrating. I am using my Illustrator CC 23.0.2 on IMac OS 10.14.3. I have updated Illus CC, restarted the app, uninstalled and reinstalled, rebooted computer, etc. I have had to resort to using Illus CS6 in order to work. The attached image is what I get when trying to use Illus CC. Please help!

Anonymous commented
I have Windows 10 and I've been dealing with this issue for days now. I haven't been able to do any work in illustrator.
Anonymous commented
Same here but on windows 10 latest updates, Yesterday works fine. Today i can't open file or create new - because of that infinite loading bug.
Cheri Pomeroy commented
I am running CC on Mac OS 10.14.3 and after updating Illus CC to 23.0.2, Illus just won't open my files or start new ones. A document or illustrator screen is hidden and I can see it partially via a strip on the right side and bottom to the underneath layer. However, the progress wheel just turns and turns, and I have no access to toolbar or any way to fix the situation. I cannot use any of the tool bars or top menus.
I have tried restarting the app, uninstalling and reinstalling twice, restarted computer, etc.