After unlink vector art from symbol, handles and points never appear again - CC 23.0.2
I see that this bug was supposedly fixed but it's back.
I made a vector shape and dragged it to the symbols palette.
Then I placed the symbol in my artboard, and unlinked the placed art from the symbol.
Now when the shape is selected, no handles or points are ever visible again - I can not select all or any handles or points with the direct selection tool, because they are gone. The shape can not be manipulated.
It does not matter if I cut and paste it, expand it, ungroup it, double click it, or paste it into another document then cut it and paste it back in the original document again.
The only way to get shape handles and points back again is to cut or divide the shape and then join it back together. This creates extra points that have to be cleaned up.
Same behavior as previously in previous bug. :(

John Goodman commented
This happened in the latest Illustrator after expanding a 3D wireframe. Analysis of the file shows that the path retains this entry in its art dictionary:
%_(ArtNumber__182) /UnicodeString (AI19SymbolIDKey) ,
Corinne Grealish commented
I never, in my 20+ years of working with Illustrator had this issue. Not sure how to get around it, but I have opened a case with Adobe support and will have a discussion next week.
If there's any helpful outcome, I'll post it here.
Deborah commented
I see that this bug was supposedly fixed but it's back.
I made a vector shape and dragged it to the symbols palette.
Then I placed the arrow in my artboard, and unlinked it from the symbol.
Now when the shape is selected, no handles or points are ever visible again - I can not select all or any handles or points with the direct selection tool, because they are gone. The shape can not be manipulated.
It does not matter if I cut and paste it, expand it, ungroup it, double click it, or paste it into another document then cut it and paste it back in the original document again.
The only way to get shape handles and points back again is to cut or divide the shape and then join it back together. This creates extra points that have to be cleaned up.
Same behavior as previously in previous bug. :(