persistent selection and precision issues...and Adobe doesn't seem to give a f*ck
I used to love Illustrator, now, I HATE it. Since the switch to CC, it's been problematic and buggy and nothing ever seems to get fixed. In fact, the entire program has gotten worse over time and it's obvious that Adobe doesn't give a **** about their customers.
The overall lack of precision and the issues with the selection tools are driving me insane. I have to repeat movements numerous times and/or have to zoom in hundreds or thousands of percent to do complete the simplest of scaling or adjusting width/height. Illustrator rotates the shape instead, or randomly switches the selection tool to the direct selection tool when attempting to manipulate the object.
And what happened to all 9 of the selection points on objects....say I have a skinny, horizontal rectangle and I want to adjust the width. The middle selection point has vanished and I have to zoom in, interrupting my work flow, to do the simple task. I've been using this program since the 90s. This i
has just been this way the past few versions of Illustrator.
I hate using this program now. It literally makes me angry because it has become such a frustrating cluster*ck. And these issues are just the tip of the iceberg.
I'm paying a premium for an inferior product/service because Adobe has a virtual monopoly. As soon as any real competitor comes along, I'm out.
Fcking do something about this piece of ***. Stop adding bells and whistles and fix the issues that have been plaguing the program for years. The type tool, for one glaring example, has been terrible for a decade.
Thanks for nothing,
Brian Stokes
Please, feel free to contact me.

eric cobain commented
He is definitely not wrong. My biggest pet peeve is that a selected objects handles should take precendent over anything else. I shouldn't need to isolate everything. If i select an object and the handles are highlighted, illustrator should understand that if I'm within 1 px of the selected objects handle, that the handle is what I want to select. Illustrator is so unnecessarily tedious and unintuitive with the selction tools. If i didnt have to zoom in and out on everything and didnt need to isolate everything, I might actually get some **** done. Illustrator is like using a butter knife to cut a steak. It'll do it, but it takes forever.
brian stokes commented
Still terrible. I've gone back to using f'n CS6. CS6!!! Why am I paying for this sh*t?
brian stokes commented
It still sucks