Weird Transparency Issue
So, I have a very odd quirk happening. When I changed an element from 100% opaque to 70% then copied it and grouped it. Now when I ungroup it the same element that was 70% opaque now thinks it is 100% opaque.
Essentially I can no longer make that element completely opaque anymore. I have to place another instance. This is a bit of a pain when I have resized or altered the placed element.
I am running the latest version of Illustrator as of this post.
I did some searching here and my issue is very similar to this issue:
Bug - Element Transparency not adjustable after setting transparency once.
CC 2018
Placing elements on pasteboard works fine. I adjusted the transparency of the element on layer to 40% over a red box. Now the element shows that transparency. If you try to revise the transparency the properties window shows the element at 100%. There is no way to adjust the transparency back to it's original 100% or know the current transparency.

Charles commented
I can send you a video showing the issue in action.