Illustrator crashes whenever export file to .png
My adobe illustrator is crashing whenever I try to save my file in .png form. I'm using illustrator inside a server and Adobe representatives can't help me troubleshoot. This problem only started a month ago and before I could save files in png. Any suggestion for fix will be appreciated. Thank you!

Núria Busquets Burguera commented
With Illustrator 2025 I can't export any files to png. I can't use the fonts I installed either.
Katherine Purnell commented
Started happening to me yesterday with the same graphic I've been updating quarterly and exporting as a PNG just fine for like the last 3 years. Just started repeatedly crashing when I even attempt to export it as a PNG. All other graphics are able to be exported to PNG. This one that is having the issue isn't even a big file, less than 500kb... It exports to jpeg just fine. Not PNG though. >_<
Joseph commented
same problem here, I almost fu*cked up a 20k project cuz of this ****,.