Links Delay
iMac, Mojave 10.14, Illustrator 23.0.3
When I select any link whether it be on the artboard or on the links panel, it has a slight delay. Not sure when exactly this changed but it wasnt always like this, i was able to relink one right after another with zero delay and now im not able to do that. I have 2 Examples.
When I select a link file from the artboard, it takes about 2-3 seconds before its shown selected on the links panel. This is a problem because if i try to Relink within those 2-3 seconds, it wont allow me to, shown as a grayed out option. If i wait the 2 seconds, it will be work fine but the delay interferes with my workflow and efficiency. See Attached.
If i select from the links panel, "Go To Link", then select another one the same way, the links disappear and doesnt select my next link... it goes back to the one i had previously selected. See attached.