Using 'Paste in place' - it doesn't work as expected
If I create 20 blank art boards the same size and then create artwork on one, containing a background rectangle and a logo rectangle in one corner and then I use the paste in place command by using cmd+C on the selected items on art board 1 (the background and logo rectangles) and then use cmd+SHFT+V on each of those other art boards to accurately paste the items on each board it often either doesn't place, places incorrectly, can work out which art board is selected etc I have tried clicking on each of the art boards 'to activate' in advance of the paste or selecting the art boards through the art board panel to no avail... Please could you fix? (Also, it's a bit silly not being able to upload an .ai or .zip file here isn't it?)

Have you figured it out?
In Illustrator it matters which artboard is active both times — when you copy and when you paste.
You have to make sure the artboard 1 has the black frame (which is hard to see with this dark background, I know) when you press Copy, and focus the one you want to paste to before you paste.It might be a bug, but I am sure it’s just that. If you still can’t make it work (or on the contrary, can) — please reply.
As for the attachments — UV is paranoid. Ai-files often do get attached fine, zips though... sometimes renaming one to .txt helps.