Unable to skew individual words/letters in type
In previous versions of illustrator, you were able to skew individual words/letters from the character menu. That option has been replaced by an option to rotate.
Distorting highlighted text distorts the whole box of type. The font I'm working with does not have and italics and I need this option to italicize specific words.
I am using 23.0.6 on a mac with OS Mojave 10.14.6.
I'm attaching screenshots of this feature in InDesign so you can see what this used to look like in illustrator, as well as a screenshot of the new character panel in illustrator where it's missing. I've also included a screenshot from InDesign that shows what I'm trying to do.

William, parity is nice.
Illustrator allow to rotate glyphs instead, something InD does not allow. Do you want the parity to work both ways?I personally think of this artificial skewing as a workaround. There is Italics and Oblique. If I need to still skew a text, I can do that with Transform panel... but to mix artificially slanted and normal text... Feel like cheap comics to me. But again — this is my personal taste, it does not contribute to the vote count — which does. So far only three votes for this :/
William Scalia commented
Come on folks. This is another one of those basic InDesign features that should have parity with Illustrator. Please put this on the docket for development.