Illustrator 24.0.1 ignoring me when I enter a new dimension for my closed path with stroke
Hi all, I'm cross-posting here from the Adobe Community forums as suggested by someone who was able to reproduce this issue. I'm running Illustrator 24.0.1 on my 2015 Macbook Pro with MacOS Catalina 10.15.1. I actually just updated to Illustrator 24.0.1 to see if this problem would go away, but it still persists.
I'm currently trying to increase the height dimension of my closed path in the Transform panel by +0.0001 inch, or .03 points (trying to transform the height from 23.157 pt to 23.16 pt, to match two other closed paths). However, whenever I click the object, input the new dimension and hit Enter, and then deselect and reselect it, the dimensions are unchanged.
Is there a limit on how small a dimension change can be for objects? I'm not sure why this is happening.
Snap to Grid, Snap to Point, and Snap to Pixel are all off
Constrain Width and Height Proportions is off
Scale Corners and Scale Strokes & Effects make no difference checked or unchecked
I apologize if Properties Panel is the wrong category for the issue! Regardless of if I try it the Properties panel or the Transform panel, the dimension change still doesn't apply.