Clipboard not working properly
When copying and pasting in Illustrator, the properties of the object/text etc are not carried over. The only way it seems to work is if you copy the item several times, which is getting tiresome and not practical if using the 'cut' option.
For example, if I copy and paste anything on 1 artboard, and try to paste in the exact same spot on another artboard (using Paste in place or paste in front/back) it doesn't paste in the same place. Also when copying text it doesn't copy over all the properties (size, font, colour etc). Even when copying objects it changes the colour slightly when pasting it again.
I have reset my preferences several times, please help.
Using MAC OS 10.15.3 & Illustrator CC 24.0.3

Frances, does it still happen for you in the latest version of Illustrator?
If it does — can you please check the options you have enabled in Preferences > Clipboard Handling. Do you have Include SVG Code enabled there? Does it help if you toggle it?
Also — do you have any clipboards managers installed and active?