Opening a PDF Bug - Not visible until selecting workspace
I frequently open a PDF file in AI. Since updating to V24 (I run macOS Catalina v10.15.5 at the time of report, 6/15/20), if there are no files currently open, the artboard(s) will not be visible upon opening. I found a workaround, but it's still an inconvenience. To fix the issue, I select another workspace (which makes the file visible), and then return to my preferred workspace. However, the saved windows for that workspace are not visible until I zoom in on an artboard. After that, everything functions as normal and as expected, but the issue occurs every time I open a PDF with nothing else open.
Hans-Jürgen Wenk commented
I have just the same issue here and it does occur since installing the previous update, so it's nothing unique to Ver. 24.2, which I was hopping would tackle the problem. Well, it doesn't. It happens for no reason at all in the middle of a job creation as PDF. Double clicking in Finder fails to open the PDF once in a while. I'm still on MacOS 10.13.6 (unfortunately) and need to save to PDF. I'm not willing to ressort to saving as AI and then to PDF.