Illustrator 24.2 not saving changes!!!!!
Since the last update it already happened twice, and I am mad as ****!!!
I just had another file that I worked one day before, and when I opened it now, the file has a lot of missing changes! Pretty much hours of work are gone! And I will have to do all over again! Luckily I had saved a copy as PDF to show to the client, so some graphics I could recover, but all the text elements I will have to redo!
And the crazy thing is that I have the habit of saving changes pretty much every 5 min!
I am saving the files locally, into external hard drives. I had the same problem with two different files, each one saved in a different had driver.
If it is a bug, it is absurd and unacceptable!

michelle commented
Same issues. Same temp files. Now i check the final savel file before i close the file. so frustrating.
João de Carvalho commented
I still with the same problem! And as I can see ADOBE just don't care. Because it is a serious problem and after a year since I created this post I didn't hear anything back from the support yet.
it is just crazy that we pay an expensive subscription and we don't have a direct channel with support. This nonsense!
Anyway, I noticed that every time that I have this issue, I can see that .temp files are created in the same folder where the file I am working on at moment is saved. If you rename the file extension from .temp to .ai, it will become the correct file with your last changes made. (Look for the last temp file created, some times a lot of them are created)
Hope this help, because Adobe support doesn't exist.
Unhappy commented
I too am having the same issues. What is going on and how can I fix it? My app is up-to-date. Unacceptable!!!
KatGee commented
Having same issue with Illustrator 24.2.3. This is driving me completely crazy. It is intermittent, occurs saving both to remote servers and desktop. I save the file as an AI file, let it "complete" the saving, then save as a pdf. When I go back to the illustrator version it shows an old version, not the most recent changes. Help?