Pathfinder Merge option creates a Trim and NOT a Merge
I am trying to merge two shapes using the Pathfinder > Merge option. Instead of creating a single merged path, the result is the same as a Trim. See attached before and after images
Both paths have the same fill, outline, and transparency properties. Neither path is part of a Group or Compound shape.
I have also shut down and restarted Illustrator and also my computer and still get the same outcome.
I can work around this with manual work, but this tool should be working.
Thanks for your attention to this issue :)
I am using:
:: Windows 10 Pro / Version 1809
:: Illustrator 24.0 / 64-bit
Lance commented
I have attempted to reproduce this behavior and cannot get my current install to do it.
The Unite and Merge commands in the pathfinder pallet both behave the same with filled path objects, but any stroke is lost with Merge.
Changing the color of one of the path objects results in the same thing as Trim, though.