Scale tool slowing down and not responding correctly
I am not happy with the 2020 separate Scale tool. I am still getting used to the fact that I have to switch between tools but that is bearable. But the fact that this tool goes crazy makes me want to throw my laptop to the wall. It is way too sensitive to the move of my drawing pen and scales in an undesired direction. Usually, after I lift the pen but still hold the Shift for a second longer, the image/object totally distorts and going steps back lags and stops my work as I have to wait for Illustrator to catch up. Could you please bring back the old scale? Just a simple regular old-school scale? I think it will better the experience, at least this is my point. The new scale tool makes me hate Illustrator and I am on the edge every time I have to use it and that is a lot.
I found it tool late, but I can’t understand what was the 'new Scale tool' we got in 2020... The Scale tool never changed since then... perhaps you mean the bounding box? or the smart guides affecting the scale?
If you still have the issue (and your laptop is still safe!) — can you share a video of it, just to clarify it and share the pain? :(