Cannot place a bitmap TIFF into Illustrator (24.3 or 25.2)
MacOS Catalina 10.15.4
AI 24.3, 25.2
I am unable to place any bitmap TIFF into the two latest versions of Illustrator. I tried two different versions of the file at two different dimensions and file-sizes.
I get the dialogue: "Illustrator could not read the file [Filename]. Try replacing this with another valid link.
I have never had this issue before. I tried a workaround wherein I open the TIFF directly in AI, and then copy/paste to my target file. However, the file is embedded and for large format work, this is not an acceptable workflow.
Please help. TIA
Ray, this is a known bug and developers are trying to solve it.
As a workaround (which is dumb, because it’s technically wrong) — try to rename your PNGs into JPGs an try again.
Please also share the file — send them over to, provide the link to this issues for tracking purposes (, and specify your version of Illustrator. -
Ray commented
i'm suddenly struggling with this bug, but with .png files. Did you find a solution?