Exporting assets as SVG with asset export tool is buggy
Asset export in illustrator is a very convenient tool, the only problem I found is when exporting my drawings to SVGs they get distorted, but when I take my objects one by one to a single document and fit them in an artboard and save the document as SVG the problem resolves (a big process), essentially because SVG saving settings for saving a document isn't the same when for exporting with asset export, I believe it isn't a big problem to solve and I hope for it to get fixed soon, I can reply with images to assist my point.
Thank you

Seems to be fixed in the later releases. If the issue still does happen for you (and the Decimal parameter is still set high enough in the Format Settings dialog) — please drop a comment
Oleg Krasnov commented
The source
Oleg Krasnov commented
I confirm that. 'Save as' works good, 'asset export' — distorts shapes.
Vector path difference in SVG file after using Asset Export and Save As menu(Edited by admin)