Unable to Export as PDF using Export for screens
Unable to export as PDF using Export for screens.
I am trying to export for screens both JPG and PDF.
JPG is working as always but the problem is the PDF. \
I cannot even save one single vector rectangle.
FYI, I am using MacBook Air M1.
It worked before.
What is wrong? cannot work now.
Help please.
Matt Stanford commented
I also have this issue. AI 25.4.1 on a Mac with 11.5.2
Happy to export all other formats from Export to Screens, but no PDF.Oh wow. I just tried changing the preset (little cog icon top right of the Formats window) - and changed from one of my standard PDF export presets to another - and it worked. No idea why; -could- be because the old preset applied a CMYK Color Profile, whereas the one that worked doesn't insist on applying a color profile???