Attribution NUMÉRIQUE des couleurs
I type it : " C 18 / M 98 / J 97 / N22 "
I save.
Then i open the color's details.
I get : C 22,68 / M 97,9 / J 99,65 / N 17,56
If i type EXACTLY a number, i want to get EXACTLY THIS NUMBER. And if i go to RGB and then come back to CMJN, I WANT EXACTLY THE NUMBER I TYPED. Why i typed this value ???? Cause i want THIS value. Not another.
Matthias, it seems that your document is in RGB color mode (File > Document Color Mode, displayed in the document’s tab, like '... RGB/Preview').
That is why when you enter CMYK values, they automatically recalculate to an RGB. So when you read this now stored RGB values using CMYK color model in Color panel — you get it recalculated from this RGB value to CMYK, with fractions.
This happens because Illustrator’s color modes (not models!) are exclusive. You can't use RGB colors in CMYK mode or CMYK colors in RGB mode.
But you can make a Spot Color Swatch! When creating a swatch, choose 'Spot Color' in Color Type, choose you Color Mode and Ai will honor the CMYK values you entered (but recalculating them while rendering it in RGB mode).
Please tell how does it work for you.