Some menu items are missing access keys (underline letters when Alt is held)
On Windows, Alt keys can be used to access all menus via keyboard.
When you hold Alt, a letter that you can press to access a particular item is underlined.
Some items though are missing these underlines, specifically:
Edit > Spelling, My Settings, Edit Colors
Object > Collect for Export
Window > Extensions, Find Extensions on Exchange, Workspace, Toolbars... most panels here, including newer ones.
Some are less needed, some are more important.
Please don’t miss these. It feels like new items loose these (except for new Select Same Text options — good job!)

The team forgot to assign accessibility keys for many menu commands, recently added: Intertwine, Objects on Path, Mockup, Artboards, Graph, Collect for Export, Rotate View, Retype, Bullets and Numbering, Spelling, Edit Colors...
These are important and should be assigned to EACH command.
The Window menu lacks them the most. -
On Windows, we can hit Alt and see underscores for each command in every menu.
For some reason the team stopped caring about these for a while, and recent addition are all missing these: Intertwine, Repeat, Collect for Export, Spelling, My Settings (which is a flop and doesn’t really work)...
Some older ones too: Image Trace, Filters, Edit Colors...
We need these for every command.
Oleg Krasnov commented
Object > Filters
Object > Repeat