Anchor Point w/ Tools Not Working
I am using the latest verion of Illustrator on my updated Macbook 15.0, and I have to hand in a project BUT the anchor points are suddenly not working for pen, curvature, or anchor point tool. I dont know exactly how to explain it but when I try to add a line to my layer it doesnt set the anchor point where I want it, and doesnt add lines where I want them to be. When I try to move them they are very rigid in where to go, and I cant edit how long/short they are. Has anyone else experience this? I tried to uncheck the rubber band selection and restarted the program, but this doesnt seem to be working. I've attached some pictures down below to try to showcase what the problem is - I am trying to outline the black lines here, but the anchor point is refusing to follow. Help!

Please check if you have the Snap to Grid enabled? It feels like points get snapped to the grid intersections.
Reply back if it does not help.