Some process, probably library syncing, overwrote graphic updates
Almost lost half a day's work. Though I lost a bunch of time and productivity figuring out how to get it back.
A library graphic got overwritten by an older version of that library graphic by something other than a human being.
I was working in Illustrator 26.0.1 and Photoshop 22.5.2 at the same time on a Windows 10 machine. I had the graphic as a Smart Object in Photoshop. But since it's a graphic it was being edited in Illustrator.
I also had Illustrator 26.0.1 opened on my Windows 10 laptop cause that's where I do my pen work, though I didn't have this particular graphic opened directly, that machine, ofc, was interacting with the library.
I also had Unity open which reads the PSB file I was working on in Photoshop whenever it changes and the Unity IDE is the focused window in Windows.
I thought I ended up finding the cached version of the file in
C:\Users----my windows user name ------\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Creative Cloud Libraries.old\LIBS----- some guid ----\creative_cloud\renditions----- some guid ----
But that was just the PNG thumbnail.
Ended up actually finding it in
C:\Users--- windows user ---\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Creative Cloud Libraries.old\LIBS---some guid---AdobeID\creativecloud\dcx---library? guid---\components
All in all, terrible experience. I worry that I now can't completely trust libraries.
Update: Still happening. Caught it while it was happening this time and saved a copy of the graphic. Luckily, before it was overwritten with an older version.

Anthony Topper commented
Luckily the support person made a backup of the library cache as you can see in the path with the ".old" folder. Although the support person should have known to point me there, which they didn't.