New text set to wrong language
Everytime I create a new text using the text tool, the language for the text is set to "English: EUA", but both my Illustrator settings and my document settings are set to "Portuguese: Brazil".
I don't believe that there is a THIRD place where I need to configure this, so I imagine that it's a bug. Also, my Illustrator it's updated, but I've been experiencing this for a while.

The problem was in a modified default Character / Paragraph Style. Please refer to comments for the details.
Jean Carlos Brandenburg commented
Egor, thank you for your awnser. That was the problem. It's working correctly now.
Jean Carlos, did you change the default Character Style in the dedicated panel in all the document profile file as well? This is the only place that is responsible for this.
Search for them here: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 26 Settings\en_US\x64\New Document Profiles but change the username and the version accordingly.
Please comment back if it helps.