Export for Screens via ExtendScript is slow and appears to have stopped
When I run Export for Screens via ExtendScript, it slows down and looks frozen. The rainbow cursor will appear.
It actually works, and will finish if I wait long enough. It seems to take about 10 times longer than running it manually from the GUI.
This is especially noticeable when exporting JPEGs. If the image to be exported is large to some extent, it will hardly progress after the progress bar reaches about 99%. CPU usage will be around 100%.
Example: When exporting 8 1700x1000px artboards at 300ppi, it takes 157.636 seconds (the weight of each JPEG is 2.9MB).
If I manually export the same conditions from the GUI, it will finish immediately.
Example: When exporting 8 1700x1000px artboards at 300ppi, it takes about 2 seconds (the weight of each JPEG is 1.7MB).
PNG24 is slower than manual, but it doesn't affect as much as JPEG. The CPU usage was around 160%.
Example: When exporting 8 1700x1000px artboards at 300ppi, it takes 39.376 seconds.
It happens under the following conditions.
• At least Illustrator 2020-2022 (24.3.0-26.0.2)
• At least 2 environments of macOS Monterey 12.0.1 (Apple Silicon) / Big Sur 11.6 (Apple Silicon)
• At least two models of MacBook Air (Apple Silicon, 16GB memory) / iMac (Apple Silicon, memory unknown)
• Run via ExtendScript Document.exportForScreens
• Option JPG 100,300ppi (artboard size is 1700x1000px)
• Include transparency in artboard
It doesn't happen under the following conditions, or the delay is not so noticeable.
• When executed manually from the GUI
• When the option is set to JPG 100, 72ppi
• When the option is set to PNG24, 300ppi
• When removing the transparency from the artboard
The following items do not seem to have much effect.
• Whether to start Illustrator with Rosetta. Rosetta makes it even slower
Expected behavior:
When I run Export for Screens via ExtendScript, it works as fast as I do via the GUI.
• sample.ai (ai file used for export)
• exportForScreens.txt (script to execute. Please change the extension to jsx)
=== Japanese from here on ===
• 少なくともIllustrator 2020〜2022(24.3.0〜26.0.2)
• 少なくともmacOS Monterey 12.0.1(Apple Silicon) / Big Sur 11.6(Apple Silicon)の2環境
• 少なくともMacBook Air(Apple Silicon, 16GBメモリ) / iMac(Apple Silicon, メモリ不明)の2機種
• ExtendScriptのDocument.exportForScreens経由で実行
• オプションJPG 100,300ppi(アートボードサイズは1700x1000px)
• アートボードに透明効果を含む
• GUIから手動で実行したとき
• オプションをJPG 100,72ppiにしたとき
• オプションをPNG24,300ppiにしたとき
• アートボードから透明効果を削除したとき
• IllustratorをRosettaで起動するかどうか。Rosettaにしたらさらに遅くなる
• sample.ai(書き出しに使うaiファイル)
• exportForScreens.txt(実行するスクリプト。拡張子をjsxに変更してください)

This issue is reported to be fixed in 27.8.1.
Please verify it and comment back!
mer C commented
I just noticed that it says to return comments.
This was announced in August 2023 in an Adobe Community article that it had been fixed.
https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/illustrator-v27-8-improvements-to-share-for-review-and-accessibility-on-macos/m-p/13985620#M375610But there was nothing in this UserVoice with a status including “under review” or “fixed in beta” until December 24, 2024.
Thank you for fixing it and adding the status.
Tauseeq Ahmad commented
when i work in illustrator its running normal but sudenly its hanging and then its not working my laptop requirements are full and complete for running illustrator but its not working
please do somthing as soon as possible.