Blurry PNG Export
I've used Adobe Illustrator for the best part of 7 years, and not once have any of my exports (PNG, TIFF, SVG) have been blurry until today.
I have tried everything, read every forum, watched videos, updated, reinstalled... the list goes on... but still all my exports for my art, design and graphics all come out blurry!!!!!!!
I don't know what has changed since the latest update or whatever it may be. It is frustrating to have all that work and not be able to have a crisp export.
When zooming in my PNG exports they were crisp and would not see pixelation, but now all I see are pixels.

Hassan, does this problem still exist for you with the recent builds of Illustrator?
If it does — can you share something to show how it looks? It’s hard to start investigation about broken images with no images presented...