SVG Export - Style Tag (Angled Apostrophe) Issue
I have recently stumbled upon a random issue with exporting SVGs from Illustrator (Desktop). I am recycling some previously used assets that I know work fine and are fully compatible with Articulate Rise (the eLearning tool I import the SVGs to).
For some reason, within the last week or so, something has changed. Now when I try to import my SVGs to Articulate, I get an error saying the file type is invalid. Having investigated this with the Articulate support team, we discovered that during the export process, Illustrator is adding a random invalid character (this one (`)).
See attached images for reference.
I can edit the styling using SVG viewer, but it's slowing down our output immensely and I'm not sure what has changed? I know for a fact these images work fine in the current courses they sit in.
Note: If I ungroup the assets on the banner image, and export them as SVGs, they all import fine and don't have the angled apostrophe. If I group them together, however, the apostrophe appears! The obvious solution would be to ungroup and collect as a single asset, which I've tested and unfortunately, this still presents the same issue. I've also tested grouping newly created assets together there are no issues.
Hopefully, someone out there can help out with this!
Thanks in advance,

Ten_A commented
macOS 10.15.7
Illustrator ver.26.2.1スクリーン用に書き出しを利用してSVGを書き出す際、形式の設定の縮小をチェックすると内部CSSのIDに利用出来ないキャラクタが含まれるために正常にブラウザ等でCSSを読めずにレンダリングが正常に行われない。
アートボード 1_output.svgは縮小を有効にしたSVGです。グラデーション部分のCSSがリンクされず黒にフォールバックします。
アートボード 1_noreduce..svgは縮小を無効にした状態で書き出されたSVGです。こちらは正常にレンダリングされます。
アートボード 1_edit.svgはアートボード 1_output.svgをテキストエディタで開き「`」を「z」に一括置換し上書き保存したものです。※SVGはアップロード不可能ですから、わたしのクラウド上で共有します。