Motifs are eaten on artboard on exit of using pattern tool
Hi please could someone tell me why this happens. When I exit the pattern tool by either clicking cancel or done. The motifs on the artboard are eaten away. Some times half of it or all of it, after exiting pattern tool. Sometimes text on the artboard gets filled with images. Like the text James was filled with the Noah image I have a video to demonstrate what happens but it won’t upload. .
Shanice commented
Hi Egor i have sent files to the email you provided if someone could have a look please. The steps to describe are really simple. This happens most of the time, not always. When it does its frustrating as I lose my work. I select the motifs text required for the pattern. Then I go object, pattern, make. I may change the pattern. Then click done or cancel and go back to artboard to see motifs are eaten.
Shanice, it’s tough to guess what’s happening by looking at these screenshots. A real file shared here could have helped, if you are allowed to share it. You can also send it over to to avoid privacy issues.
As for the video — you can use any service to upload it and share the link here. It’d be better if you used not your phone to do that, but an actual screen recording done by your Mac — they can do that without external apps.
If this is not possible, try to describe in details all your steps: what did you pressed, when, how, etc.(Edited by admin)